Player Announcement An Answer


contemporary rattus
An Answer
In Response to a Crisis

In a similar fashion to previous correspondences, a carrier bird delivered the parchment to a familiar location before briskly returning to the Enlightened Kingdom.



Stadholder Silas Moetiour van Leuveren,

It pleases me to know that you've had a smooth recovery amid the chaos surrounding you. I know as well as anyone that the creatures of Lillith are far from merciful in their jaunts; I wish you and your citizenry well and the snowy mountain sides peace, no matter how short-lived it may be. Rejoice in the time you have.

It is appropriate to correct you in your assumption, child, that we promised to aid you during your battles. Since I believed you would follow the path of light in eliminating this force, I extended an invitation to you. Yet, it seems your priorities lie only within a false Godhead and beliefs, and not with the land and family that raised you. You never sent even a simple letter back. Yet only in dire need do you seek out the ones you so ruthlessly abandoned.

It is possible for you to join Till ce Ellaminor at your own volition, but a backing from us is not an option.


Aeri’cill A’mos Zaithrall

Therri’cill Aldir’tor Zaithrall
Cillar Cloak Fynenar Aey'flir
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