Player Announcement An Invitation

*Specific people around eden would receive this letter, brought to them by a short boy in plain clothes, his smile was bright shining reaching the letter upwards for each of the recipients to take*

Upon opening the Letter it was quick visible that it was quite the expensive letter, written
on nothing less then

Direwolf leather, in finest ink adorned with gold inlays on the edges of the paper.

Atop the leather letter, as in the wax sigil was the same sigil.
Unknown to most recipients.

DALL·E 2023-07-01 14.27.12 - Crescend Moon-fotor-bg-remover-20230701142819-fotor-bg-remover-20...png

This Letter has been sent to each one of you, for
the feats you have accomplished.
The hardships you have taken, and the strength
you have shown.

Each single one of you being sent this letter out of one reason.
To fend of the voidal entities, without judgement of
where they attack.

I expect each one of you to show up at the gates
of castle helstein for a beginning trial to proof your strength.

Those i have placed my faith in wrongly,
can burn this leather.

I do not seek to have cowards within our rounds.
We do not back away from a challenge this small.

May the sentinels guide you.

-The Protectorate awaits your arrival-

This document is only seen by those who specifically got Dmd a letter or gotten it handed in roleplay.