"An uncertain letter addressed to Jinx van der Bijlkrijger."

A letter, sent for specifically Jinx van der Bijlkrijger would be nicely written, A bow and all as a Raven would place it onto the Woman's foot, wherever she was..

"Jinx, Tis Wisteria once more, I hope you are well, considering all circumstances."

"As Vance and Janne's relationship gets closer, I am quite concerned on what truly happened on that shore, Vance only claims he made small romantical advancement toward's the girl, Yet I am unsure." - "I have an eerie feeling there is more to the story then the two children have proclaimed, seeing as his PAST romantic options have been interesting.. I am not to sure about Janne, perhaps if we had an time to talk over tea with the two?"

"If he does any barking, especially towards you, don't worry."
- Wisteria Burnouf.
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Whenever I see a Dutch name pop up on a forum post

[!] The Raven returns to Wisteria with a rolled up piece of paper attached to its foot.

Dear wisteria,

I am doing better then before. Me and Janne just finished a long talk about the situation. According to her nothing happened between the two and I do believe her. The situation worries me just as much as it does you, probably. I had a talk with Janne about it and she promised to first get to know him before anything serious would happen. She seems to be quite serious about your nephew, so I suggested a meeting with you,Vance, her and me to discuss how things will continue.

Kind regards,

Jinx van der Bijlkrijger
[!] The Raven returns to Wisteria with a rolled up piece of paper attached to its foot.

Dear wisteria,

I am doing better then before. Me and Janne just finished a long talk about the situation. According to her nothing happened between the two and I do believe her. The situation worries me just as much as it does you, probably. I had a talk with Janne about it and she promised to first get to know him before anything serious would happen. She seems to be quite serious about your nephew, so I suggested a meeting with you,Vance, her and me to discuss how things will continue.

Kind regards,

Jinx van der Bijlkrijger

"Dear Bijkriger."

"I am more than happy to arrange a meeting. How about sometime within the next few months? I will be free from dealing with my other child's nonsense by then. Please come back to Ceril's Keep whenever you can."

May great Health carry you,
Wisteria Burnouf.