Nation Announcement Arch-Steward's Mandate #2 - The High Court


[!] An elegant piece of parchment was posted on the Adelsburg notice board



Arch-Steward's Mandate - Two - Establishment of the High Court
Issued from Adelsburg, Fireday 5, Sunfall, 1534


A state can be judged in many ways, but in few more important then it's ability to enforce it's laws. Without this, all decrees and governance are nothing more then ink on paper. While the Duchies handle their own affairs, appoint their own judges, and manage their own courts, the High Court serves as the highest tribunal to handle the most important matters of the law.

The duties of the High Court are enumerated thusly -

#1. To oversee all court affairs between Duchies and Noble Houses.
Disputes between Duchies, Noble Houses, and other Nobility are handled in the High Court - Examples being land disputes, accusations that a House has defaulted on a contract, so on.

#2. To oversee all court affairs within the Grand Principality of Brandenhafen.
All court affairs within the Grand Principality, such as trials, court rulings, etc. are to be handled by the High Court, as the Grand Principality is the seat of the Royal House and thus the Empire.

#3. To oversee appeals against the decisions of lower courts.

The High Court may overrule the decisions of lower courts, and all will have the right to appeal to the High Court - However, the rights of the lower courts are to be respected, and the High Court will only agree to consider an appeal if it is considered of great importance to the integrity of the state and law. If the High Court agrees to hear an appeal, it will be treated as a normal court case with the appellate being required to both explain the merits of their case, and why the High Court should overrule the lower courts decision.

#4. To oversee all trials in which the defendant stands accused of breaking Crown Law.
As the law code is still being drafted as of the writing of this mandate, a defintion of Crown Law is warranted - Crown Law refers to those laws that apply to all people of the Empire equally, regardless of status, and concerns the bedrock upon which the Empire is founded. To break Crown Law is to commit some of the most heinous crimes imaginable - The practice of Necromancy or the acts of Slavery and Familicide are examples of that which would be handled under Crown Law. Unlike Capital Law, punishments for Crown Law often extend to one's family and can result in the loss of titles, land, or exile for the entire family depending on the extent of the crime.

With the drafting of this mandate, the High Court will begin functioning by the end of the week. At least two judges will be appointed, with the Arch-Steward able to act as a judge in the event none are available.


Eveline Ludwig,
Erzsteward of the Hadrian Empire,
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