Avalheim's First Sun Haven Festival


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A Message was hung around on notichboard all across Eden inviting people to come to the Sun Haven Festival.


"Greetings! Avalheim will be holding its first Sun Haven Festival on the festival island on Sunscape very soon [Friday 18th 8PM CEST to 10PM CEST]. I want to invite you all to come by and partake in this festival as we celebrate the end of winter and summer soon to come. We have opened for various activities within Sunscape such as"
'Spin the well' Spin a wheel and win something this is often Gems and metals.
'Smash the Barrel' Smash a barrel and win a wooden charm
'Catch a fish' Fish up a fish and keep it
'Make a flower crown Create a flower crown
'Mine the rock' This year we are also allowing people to mine a volcanic rock within the sea where you can gain a small piece

"All The games have different prices it ranging from 1-10 Andros depending on the game. Come by and have fun!"

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