Player Announcement Banishment from the Joust...


Gamemaster Team
[!] A new message was nailed at the bottom of the joust announcement. It hinted at a follow-up message that is tied to the announcement. It had the Hadrian and Reinhardt sigil. [!]



As reports of recent attacks on citizens of the Empire indicate that the Green-skin race known as the Orks are unable to work in the society of the Hadrian Empire, behave like savages and target the innocents of the realm, they are, as a result of this, banished from the event of the Jousting Tournament. All Orks that have registered are hereby declared invalid and any right to sign in has been revoked.

Faulskin kind, besides Orks, are still allowed to enter and participate in the event. Any Ork still entering the event grounds shall face repercussions and will be judged accordingly by the Hadrian law.

All rules apply to behaviour around the event, attendance, and participation. Failure to comply will result in other measurements being taken.

Caligo read the message with an ever-growing expression of distaste. When he finished reading he unsheathed his dagger, intending to destroy the paper, but stopped. No, that wouldn't rectify the situation.
'Recent attacks'...awfully vague. Seemed to him that they simply wanted an excuse to ban the orcs. The rest of that first sentence was what really bothered him though. 'behave like savages', they said. They were calling one of toughest and yet kindest species Caligo have ever had the pleasure to meet SAVAGES. Over what, them enjoying fighting? He gave a slightly amused huff that would have been a laugh had he not been so upset. They had banned an entire race for enjoying fighting...from a combat event.
He turned and stormed away from the notice board, through the gates of Zadh Nadrozz, hooves clip-clopping loudly against the stone.
The orcs were treated like this regularly, he supposed. If that was the case, then he was starting to understand why the orcs so often called the members of other nations 'Filth'.


Love how I wrote a lil thing for it and then I go to paste it into the comments and every other reply is shitposting lol
Caligo read the message with an ever-growing expression of distaste. When he finished reading he unsheathed his dagger, intending to destroy the paper, but stopped. No, that wouldn't rectify the situation.
'Recent attacks'...awfully vague. Seemed to him that they simply wanted an excuse to ban the orcs. The rest of that first sentence was what really bothered him though. 'behave like savages', they said. They were calling one of toughest and yet kindest species Caligo have ever had the pleasure to meet SAVAGES. Over what, them enjoying fighting? He gave a slightly amused huff that would have been a laugh had he not been so upset. They had banned an entire race for enjoying fighting...from a combat event.
He turned and stormed away from the notice board, through the gates of Zadh Nadrozz, hooves clip-clopping loudly against the stone.
The orcs were treated like this regularly, he supposed. If that was the case, then he was starting to understand why the orcs so often called the members of other nations 'Filth'.


Love how I wrote a lil thing for it and then I go to paste it into the comments and every other reply is shitposting lol
Bruh that was so sweet. I love you man