Nation Announcement Brothers in stone



On a desolate shore, where the waves whispered secrets to the winds, a human and a Denur stood, their hands intertwined in a gesture of solidarity.

I extend my deepest gratitude for your swift aid in our time of need.

With a gleam of pride illuminating its gaze, the Denur replied:

Aye, it is our honor to assist. For we Denur, our word is not just spoken, but woven into the very fabric of our existence.


The high engineer enters the assembly square in Dar Ach Denur. With wild gestures, he attracts attention and addresses the folk.

On this solemn day, beneath the steadfast gaze of our ancient mountains and amidst the echoing halls of our venerable kingdom, we extend our stout hand of kinship and unwavering resolve to the Hadrian Empire. In a gesture forged in the fiery furnace of camaraderie and solidarity, we bestow upon our honored allies in Luneburg five illustrious thunderstone trebuchets.

Behold these mighty engines of war, crafted with the skill and determination of our mountain-forged artisans. They stand not merely as instruments of destruction, but as beacons of defiance against the encroaching darkness that seeks to engulf our lands.

Let the echoes of our resolve reverberate throughout the annals of history: The High Kingdom of Arduan stands shoulder to shoulder with the Hadrian Empire, bound by the shared purpose. Together, we shall weather the tempest and emerge triumphant, casting back the shadows that seek to enshroud our world.

Hail the guardians of the living!

Zladimir and Baldwin stood by the docks as the Flussland navy begun unloading the trebuchets, a stupid grin on both of their faces as they witnesses five of the newest dwarven engineering come to life. The Ritter then glanced towards his friend and said "You will now carry the weight of being responsible for the end of hundreds if not thousands of minions.. Wear such with pride." Patting him on the shoulder, Zladimir would then begin to give instructions on where to place the weapons, until their time of need.