Clan Vulcan - The Great Denur Clans


[A trifecta of scrolls, equal in quality of parchment, would be nailed in close proximity to each other.]
[This is but one of the three.]

[The scroll was written in rigid fashion, each letter perfect to the measure.]

I welcome all whose eyes meet this message.

We, craftsmen of the liberated Clan Vulcan, are in Eden once again.

The ancestral smiths of the Denur are the truest of our kind, honing our native knack for ingenuity and creation. It is our sole belief that our people were never meant to be ruled by the rigid biases of a symbol, such as a crown, but rather by the caliber of one's efforts. The Denur were meant to be free, and seek out their own individual destiny and master their own skills. Thus should we each rule ourselves, and unify under the common goal of building a brighter future.

Long ago, Clan Vulcan protected the Denur from extinction . During the Age of Destruction it was our clan’s ancestors who kept fires alight, and masoned shelters from the rubble. Through that struggle we only further honed our skills as smiths, learning to tend to fires like never before. Once the danger passed our clan rejoiced, for though the losses were a great tragedy a new order could rise from the ashes. We had hoped to dismantle the throne and the crown, so that all Denur may be liberated as we are. However, those of Clan Wyrmthane and Clan Bonemaim sought to seize the false title of Kjung over others. To spare further loss, Clan Vulcan left to search for new skills and to better those which we already had.

Clan Vulcan has consisted of great Denur smiths for generations. We have a claim over the great forges, harnessing the fires of the mountain core. The legendary tools and weapons we crafted were beyond any illustration’s ability to depict. Though the forges are our greatest of stations, we have expanded far beyond to bold new crafts. For one of many examples, we have delved into the realm of prosthetics. Through our tinkering with false limbs, we have found ourselves on the verge of revolutionary heights in assembly. However, these new wonders pale in comparison to modern tragedies paving the way for new opportunities.

Our great forges have gone cold and damp, and the Kjung, Runefist, has passed away. Though this is a tragedy for sure, it has also opened the opportunity for liberation of the Denur people. Yet the return of Clan Wyrmthane and Clan Bonemaim has halted our efforts. We humbly ask for any and all capable hands to assist in our plight, so that the Denur may thrive without any further loss. Let us forge ever onward.

My thanks, Tiber Vulcan.

[Mounted beneath the scroll was a small banner of red and bronze.]