Player Event Costume Ball


Common Tailor, Aeri'Cill of Luminion
Staff member
Silver Phoenixes fly in all directions, to every nation, bearing scrolls of pure white, wrapped in blue and red ribbons


Vale to one and All!

It has been far too long since a celebration has been held within the Enlightened Kingdom, and what better reason to celebrate than the Revival and Return of the Aeyflir House! We wish to extend an offer to all nations, in which we shall join together for a night of Drink and Dance! Come dressed in your finest, and measure against others skill of the Needle, and win small prizes of Andros for the best dressed!
Any found with Ill will or have been banned will be escorted out of the Glade in shame.

Partners for this event are highly optional, but encouraged!

We hope to see you there!

7pm GMT, Oct 20th
Aeyflir Estate