Player Announcement Da tee parti o' Zadh


"Me'z w'uld loik' ta ztart diz o' bah fankin' dooz merkz dat s'own up at ah-or doorz. Fankz ta yar'z we'z 'ad a grejt tee parti. Iz a zham' ya'z werz zoo damn lood.
But o' welz, we'z 'ad a funz toim, 'ope ya'z 'ad zom' funz toim."

"Pleez! Kom' ahgain! We'z 'ad zom' vri foin' tee toim 'n we'z loik ta zhare dat toim wid yaz"

The elderly elf quite enjoyed his time drinking tea with the good sir Krisa as they were listening to the banging on the outside doors.