
On the Heretics

Edensrest, 1533

To all the faithful of the Holy Church of the Alder:

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We, the Holy Synod, in our desire to uphold the unity and integrity of the Holy Church, have been compelled to issue this decree to condemn and denounce the sin of schism.

Schism is a grave offense against GOD and His Church, as it is a deliberate separation from the Body of the Church. Those who commit this sin not only endanger their own souls, but they also lead others away from the truth of GOD.

We declare that anyone who separates themselves from the unity of the Holy Church through schism or heresy, or who refuses to submit to the legitimate authority of the Patriarchate, the Bishops, and the Priesthood is guilty of a mortal sin and incurs the eternal punishment of damnation. We henceforth declare these dangerous schismatics, ANATHEMA.

Therefore, we urge all the faithful to remain steadfast in their faith, and to reject any teaching or action that leads to division and discord within the Church. We call upon all those who have separated themselves from the Holy Church to return to the fold, to confess their sins and to seek reconciliation with GOD and with the Church.

We also remind all Bishops, Priests, and Laity that they have a sacred duty to uphold the unity of the Church and to teach the truth of the Alder in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Fathers and the Ecumenical Councils. They must also take appropriate action to correct those who promote schism or heresy.

Finally, we entrust all the faithful to the loving care of Our Lord the Alder and the intercession of His Saints, and Sentinels. May they guide us in our efforts to preserve the unity of the Church and to promote the salvation of souls.

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Given at Adelsburg, at the Cathedral of St. Onnodrith, Harvestday 18, Edensrest, 1533.

Ecumenical Patriarch Wernher Sule and the Holy Synod of Bishops.

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"Therefore, we urge all the faithful to remain steadfast in their faith, and to reject any teaching or action that leads to division and discord within the Church. We call upon all those who have separated themselves from the Holy Church to return to the fold, to confess their sins and to seek reconciliation with GOD and with the Church."

Klaus stands tall as he steps into the church, bathing his hands in the cool water and dries them on his tabard. He presses his thumb past his gorget as he pulls forth a leather cord holding a nine-pointed star, and presses down his finger on a particular point, drawing a rising balloon of crimson blood, the man's hazel eyes staring down at it before he places it to his forehead and drags it down his brow, painting a thin red line between his eyes as he continues onwards.

He raises his hands high as his hazel eyes gaze towards the ceiling, a flash of teeth growing as his eyes tear, beginning to speak his words,

"May the Alder bless me... I, the faithful, remain.."
