De Tiri 1st Auction - Wine Tasting & Paintings

Multiple copies of this poster would be hung up across the various duchies of the Empire


Dear all citizens of the Hadrian Empire!

De Tiri Familia are proud to announce the very first edition of the family's auction series! We are excited to reveal that the Tiri's aim to elevate the standard of living for those within the Empire, providing lavish goods, exquisite collectables and only the finest pieces of luxury that andros could purchase.

To kick this off, one of the family's very own, Jezebel de Tiri has been enlightened by the divine sentinels themselves, as she has produced six of prestigious, excellent and eminent pieces of art, where each shall be part of her first official collection, dubbed "The Debut". Each painting is a singular work, which come hand in hand with a signed authenticity certificate and no copies of any paintings have been, or will ever be created. The titles for each piece are as follows:

The 1st Piece: A Stunning Night
- Starting Price [100] -
Abstract in its depiction, a dark and crooked keep towers over a vast landscape. A small town huddles at the base of the keep, candlelight winking in the windows of each building. Above it all swirls the endlessness of the night sky. The pale moon, ribbon like clouds, and burning stars dance with one another- sweeping from one end of the painting to the other. The certificate of authenticity is signed in the thin swirling cursive of the artist, 'Jezebel de Tiri'.

The 2nd Piece: Flowers on Water
- Starting Price [150] -
Delicate water lilies cling to deep green lily pads as they float upon the water's surface. The sunlight refracting through the water casts deep shadows on the bottom of the shallow pool, the shining reflections highlighting the crests of small waves. It almost feels as though one could reach forward and dip their hand into the painting. The certificate of authenticity is signed in the thin swirling cursive of the artist, 'Jezebel de Tiri'.

The 3rd Piece: Fallen Petals
- Starting Price [150] -
White flowers, the picture of purity, are lain atop a background of ash. Beside them lay wilting, putrid stems of a deep color, along with nearly decayed indications of what once were flowers. The full cycle of life, from budding blooms to dust, is seen represented in this simplistic piece. How short and fleeting the beauty of life remains with us. The certificate of authenticity is signed in the thin swirling cursive of the artist, 'Jezebel de Tiri'.

The 4th Piece: Just Past Dusk
- Starting Price [200] -
A sliver of a crescent moon rises above a lone mountain peak. The first stars of the night twinkle dimly, peeking through a heavy fog. It as if a purple haze hangs over the scene, shrouding it in mystery and intrigue. The careful brushstrokes can be seen even through the rich layer of varnish, giving a sense of life and humanity to the otherwise lonely painting. The certificate of authenticity is signed in the thin swirling cursive of the artist, 'Jezebel de Tiri'.

The 5th Piece: Red Fox in Trees
- Starting Price [300] -
This painting sings with the promise of Spring. The red fox, standing on a hillside, stares strikingly into the eyes of the viewer. The fox's bushy tail and delicate whiskers are tugged by the breeze that is filled with cherry blossom petals raining across the scene. The image is framed by the blossoming trees, adding delicacy and soft color to contrast the sharpness of the fox. The certificate of authenticity is signed in the thin swirling cursive of the artist, 'Jezebel de Tiri'.

The 6th Piece: The Knight
- Starting Price [500] -
A striking figure is cut across the large canvas, imposing in its scale and fierceness of color. A knight stands clad in a dark metal armor, meticulously clean from rust and grime. He is adorned in red, his long cape and helm feather whipping about in the wind. The man beneath the helmet is not made known, almost as if he represents the honor and strength in the concept of a warrior. The certificate of authenticity is signed in the thin swirling cursive of the artist, 'Jezebel de Tiri'.

Along side this, de Tiri's shall also be organizing a wine tasting section before the auction where guests may indulge themselves in the multitude of different ingredients and layers of flavors that goes into the craft of wine making! This will be held in the Duchy of Bergwaltz in five saint days from the moment this event is announced.



Type of Event: Social
Date: 26th January 2024

Time: 5pm EST
Open to the Public

Katherina looked over the announcement. A small smile dawned upon the woman's lips, "Ah.. she listened to my advice, after all.." Her smile wiped clean as she placed the paper back on the noticeboard and walked away with elegance.