Player Announcement Delivering a missive from the court of Luminion - ErzStewards Office


ErzTreasurer of Hadriana, Fat man and Builder
Staff member
[!] A letter bearing the ErzStewards crest, alongside a letter from Luminion made it's way to Löwenmark by a rider on horseback.


Sonntag 15, Grünfall, 1539

To the Herzog of der Sudliches Hinterlanden, Silas Moetiour-van Leuveren.


Grütte to dich, Herzog Silas Moetiour- van Leuveren.
I hope this letter has reached you well, as the contents of this letter are of the utmost importance.

Not too long ago, me alongside der Kaiser went to Luminion. During our visit we were confronted with a certain venture south. Unbeknownst of said venture, by perhaps the failure to inform the Imperial Diet, we were met with the explaination that a party of men-at-arms, under your command made their way to the Glittering Cay Colony. As we are informed, it was du that whilst du were there awoke ein army of undead sailors.

Not only has du failed to report du's ventures to ein distant colony of another nation to the Diet, du has also renounced to report the incident to the diet after du's venture went horribly wrong.

The Elves, not happy with your actions, have sent forth a bill for their damages of five-hundred und fifty andros, to be paid to the Luminion crown. As the reich, uninformed as it is, does nicht carry the responsibility for du's actions. It ist expected of du to pay this fine at once.
Do note that failure to pay this fine, might result in not only putting duself, but also das Hadrianischer Reich in danger.

Möchte Alder mit dir sein.


Erzsteward of das Hadrianischer Reich
Bürgermeister of der Reichshaubtstad Adelsburg
Eigentümer of der Bergwald-Holstein Firma


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