Player Announcement Freikompanie Rosenrot



The Kaiser is dead, butchered by those who at one time would have called him friend. His
family have been slain, with only the young Hugo and Katherina escaping. The crown of
the Hadrian people now rests in the hand of the tyrants and madmen who act as carrion -
growing fat on the corpses of the dead and who view no act as too despicable in pursuit of
their own power.

It is said that the deepest pits of hell are reserved for those who retain their neutrality in the
time of crisis. Alder shall not find us wanting. To this, we declare the creation of the
Friekompanie Rosenrot, for those still loyal to their oaths and their people to gather under
arms. Our intent is simple - Destroy the illegitimate state created by the so-called
'Supreme Chancellor', bring justice against the wretched murderers who in their
lust for power would put even the Kaiser's children to the sword, and stop the
endless warmongering that these monsters have perpetuated which has devastated
not only Hadria, but all peoples. The path we take is treacherous, and victory uncertain.
Yet it is utterly necessary - For in the face of such evil, we resolve to either conquer or die.

To those who read this that still have the love of justice and peace in their heart, we
encourage you to travel to Raevendrecht, and join the Freikompanie. To those who still
stand in the Legion even after their betrayal, we promise to treat those who are captured
with the humanity that your leadership lacks.

Finally, to Sine Verrador and Siegfried od Albion - The Hangman's noose awaits you.

(OOC: In short, it's a Loyalist insurgency/paramillitary formation. Message Bard on discord if you wanna join up :^) )

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