Nation Announcement Goblins, Listen Closely.


Trendsetter and Loremaster Buggie
Staff member
[!]A few letters were distributed across the colonies of Mitrona. As well as in Zadh Nadrozz and a personal one to Rud Rib Amadeus. It has simple wording and black ink for those who are just barely literate understanding:


(Harvestday 2, Newdawn, 1548)
Lilith's Veil

To the Goblins who belong in Zadh Nadrozz,

It has now become clear to me that Mitrona has a pest problem. That is almost up to par with the severity of the recent voidals who think they can run within the Arbor with no trouble. However, this is severely untrue for both parties. I have seen the missives and I've heard from my subjects the pure disdain for this wretched situation. Of which I do not take lightly.

It has come to my attention, most importantly, what you had taken from High Councilor Apollon Lovell. The husband of the late Khari'cerr, Jolie Elaine Lovell, who died of an incurable illness. A bow. That seems insignificant to you but is deemed as sentimental to someone else. You do not take from the Azari'cerr and that is a lesson you will need to learn soon.

This is why we are banishing Goblins from all of the colonies for ten years. If the bow gets returned to Apollon Lovell, the ban will be lifted. But do not get us wrong, we do not forget.
Khari'cerr, N’vaestīl “Izara” Vobisere
High Councilor, Apollon Lovell
Zneeze wiped his behind with the message, snickering to himself. "Ztupid panziez, thinkin' dey're in de right. It waz dem who attacked my friendz firzt. Zervez 'em right, I zay. And dey ztill got a chance with our little game. Maybe der leader'z az zharp az a mazhed potato. Maybe zhe'z a disguised Uruk, who knowz." He burst into laughter, shaking the entire outhouse.
"got handed the letter by a gobbo as he began to read before looking up at the gobbos around him" ya... Zargg learnd' 'is lezzon alreedy' ain't no odder gobbo 'gonn dizobey mezz word', 'az to 'ave been'z a gobbo from anodder tribe'z "he let out a sigh" me'zz guezz ya banned' for 10 year'z nuw " he'd say before giving a glance at the gobbos running around letting out a laugh
Kappa stared blankly, rereading the same sentence over and over with his little knowledge of how to read. Jolie Elaine Lovell. Died. Jolie Elaine Lovell. Died. His mom, is dead. He wasn't allowed back into Mitrona on top of that, which he didn't pay much mind to, it wasn't his home- not anymore. Tears started to fall down his cheeks with his expression still blank, he didn't notice. He continued to reread it, still. Where would he go now?
A yellow parrot handed the notice to Ike, then cuddled and nibbled on his hair. Ike's expression shifted from surprise to anger before he exclaimed. "Ya have to be- Kappa is a goblin, for fuck's sake!”
Kappa stared blankly, rereading the same sentence over and over with his little knowledge of how to read. Jolie Elaine Lovell. Died. Jolie Elaine Lovell. Died. His mom, is dead. He wasn't allowed back into Mitrona on top of that, which he didn't pay much mind to, it wasn't his home- not anymore. Tears started to fall down his cheeks with his expression still blank, he didn't notice. He continued to reread it, still. Where would he go now?
Kappa stared blankly, rereading the same sentence over and over with his little knowledge of how to read. Jolie Elaine Lovell. Died. Jolie Elaine Lovell. Died. His mom, is dead. He wasn't allowed back into Mitrona on top of that, which he didn't pay much mind to, it wasn't his home- not anymore. Tears started to fall down his cheeks with his expression still blank, he didn't notice. He continued to reread it, still. Where would he go now?
You are a year late, hide in Ike’s basement