Hadrian Duma legislative Reforms & the Third Session


[!] Various parchments of paper were hanged throughout the cities and settlements of the Hadrian Empire.


The Hadrian Duma

With appointment of Sine Verrador as Chairman of the Hadrian Duma, the government forum has been reformed into a legislative part of the Hadrian Empire. Now to operate much differently then before, the Hadrian Duma has now been turned into something greater under the new Chairman, and Kaiser. The following reformations into the Legislative body are as follows:

  • The Hadrian Duma from now on will have eight representatives (including the Chairman) be elected to speak on behalf of the people. These representatives shall bring up the current agenda within the Duma, and shall be treated as influential figures within the Empire. The Chairman and the representatives have two year long terms within the Hadrian Duma, once their terms are over, new citizens of the Empire are able to elect themselves for representative. However, past representatives may run for re-election.​
  • The Hadrian Duma is no longer open forum. Citizens of the Empire are by all means still able to spectate the Duma, however, should they interrupt the Duma, in an attempt to bring chaos, they shall be forcefully escorted out. Should they resist, they shall be beaten.​
  • The Hadrian Duma is capable of forming new branches of government or military, as well as passing new laws, or renewing old ones, with the permission from his Imperial Majesty. Should the Kaiser of the Hadrian Empire not accept the terms himself, the passed laws or government / military branches shall be considered folly until otherwise.​
  • The Hadrian Duma now has authority to relieve government officials within the Empire of their duties, bar members of the Alderian Council. If deemed fit by majority of the Duma, they shall be removed from their position of power, if they are suspected to be corrupt in any sorts.​


- The Election of seven representatives, voted into the Duma by the people.

The Agenda may change depending on submitted issues.

SUNDAY 12TH, 3:30 PM EST, 30:30 CET
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