House Roseshade


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Origin History
The Roseshades were known throughout the land for their exceptional hunting skills and their deep connection to nature. They were fierce protectors of the wild and were sworn to defend it against any who sought to harm it, though nowadays the Roseshades are more seen as a pacifistic family unless you prove you are to harm.
The Roseshades also do not originate from Eden as they come from the outside world and have moved to Eden over the past many hundreds of years.

One of the most famous stories about the Roseshades is the tale of how they acquired their family name. It is said that long ago, the head of the Roseshade family, a brave elf named Arin, was on a hunt in the forest when he stumbled upon a patch of beautiful, wild roses. He was so taken by their beauty that he decided to take some back to his wife as a gift.

As he was returning home with the roses, he was ambushed by a group of orcs who were known for raiding and pillaging in the forest. Arin fought bravely, but he was outnumbered and overpowered. Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, his wife and their children appeared on the scene and joined the fight.

Together, they managed to defeat the orcs and drive them out of the forest. As they stood victorious, covered in blood and sweat, they noticed that the roses that Arin had brought as a gift were still held tightly in his hand, unharmed and untouched by the battle only being soaked in Arin's own blood.

From that day forward, the family took the name "Roseshade" as a symbol of their resilience, beauty, and ability to withstand even the most brutal of attacks.

The Roseshades continued to defend the wild with their lives, becoming known as the most skilled hunters in all of their homeland. They were also known for their generosity and kindness, often helping those in need and offering shelter to travelers who had lost their way in the wild.

Even to this day, the Roseshade family remains a symbol of strength, beauty, and resilience in the land of Eden, and their legend lives on in the hearts and minds of all who hear their story.


Story Of The Family Swords
Legend has it that after the fateful battle with the orcs, Arin returned to his home, battered and bruised but victorious. In his hand, he still held the delicate wild rose he had picked as a gift for his wife. Moved by the bravery of his family and their unwavering commitment to protecting the forest, Arin was inspired to create something that would symbolize their strength and resilience.

And so, he spent countless hours in his forge, pouring his heart and soul into the creation of three magnificent swords, each one a masterpiece of dark steel. The blades were etched with intricate patterns that depicted the forest, and the hilt was adorned with the wild rose that had inspired their creation.

For generations, these three swords were passed down through the Roseshade family, one to the family head, one to their spouse, and one to the heir of the family. They were not just weapons, but a symbol of the family's courage, honor, and unwavering commitment to protecting the forest they called home.

To this day, the three swords remain a treasured symbol of the Roseshade family's noble legacy, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend the forest and all that they hold dear.

House Head Sword
Bloody Rose
This sword was forged long ago by one of the original Roseshade Family members. The blade itself was created from black metal that's pretty rare across Eden. The netherite had been shaped into a rapier, the long thin blade making it easy to slide through the air. The black metal would be nicely polished and well-kept. the guard would be made out of silver and formed almost a bush of thorns around the handle to protect the user. the inside of the thorns would be nicely rounded down so you didn't cut yourself using it. The pommel itself would be made out of gold and shaped into a sharp pointy end. This sword would have a deeper meaning to it as It belong to the first Roseshade member, maybe looking less fancy than most of the other family Relic swords yet it had a deep meaning to the Roseshades. The handle of this sword would be wrapped in red leather alongside having an engraving on its ‘Bloody Rose’ This name would have a slightly deeper meaning as It was meant to represent the Roseshade bloodline as a whole. This sword would belong to the head of the Roseshade family. The sword would have a simple black leather sword sheath through it would have a golden lining and a red and silver rose symbol.

Second head sword [Married partner of family head]
Golden Rose

This sword was forged long ago by one of the original Roseshade Family members. The blade itself was created from black metal that's pretty rare across Eden. The netherite had been shaped into a long sword through at the bottom of the blade a few engravings would be made in gold mostly just patterns, This golden pattern continued to the guard where it spread out into stripes. The guard itself was made out of silver-like metal. The handle would be wrapped in black leather and where the handle and guard met with the blade there would be a small rose engraved in silver and filled with gold. The pommel would be made out of gold and shaped into a sharp pointy end. If you were to look closely at the blade there would be an engraving with the name of the sword ‘Golden Rose’. This sword would belong to the Family Head’s Wife/Husband as a sign of their marriage. The sword would have a simple red leather sword sheath et with a golden lining on it and a silver rose symbol.

Heir sword
Bleeding thorn

This sword was forged long ago by one of the original Roseshade Family members. The blade itself was created from black metal that's pretty rare across Eden. The netherite had been forged into a long sword at the bottom of the blade there would be small silver engravings in a rose pattern. The guard itself would be almost like a thrown bush made out of silver that slowly crept a little up the blade. The handle would be wrapped in a delicate white colored leather and the pommel was made of gold and carefully made sharp and pointy. If you were to look closely at the blade there would be an engraving with the name of the sword ‘Bleeding thorn’. This sword would belong to the Heir to the family head role. The sword sheath would be made out of red leather and had a silver lining with a golden rose on the side.


Guardian Animal

According to ancient Roseshade lore, the wolf has been a revered and sacred guardian animal for the family for generations. It is said that the first Roseshade ancestor who settled in the forest of Eden was saved from certain death by a pack of wolves who protected him from a vicious predator.

As a gesture of gratitude, the Roseshade ancestor pledged to honor the wolves and their kin, to always protect them and treat them with respect. In return, the wolves pledged their unwavering loyalty to the Roseshade family, becoming their most trusted guardians and protectors.

Over time, the Roseshades developed a deep spiritual connection with the wolves, studying their behavior, learning from their instincts, and even adopting some of their characteristics. The family's archers, in particular, honed their skills by observing the wolves' hunting techniques and adapting them to their own methods.

It is said that the wolves would accompany the Roseshades on their patrols, scouting the forest ahead and warning them of any potential threats. The wolves were also known to watch over the family's children as they played in the forest, ensuring their safety and well-being.

To this day, the Roseshades honor the wolf as their sacred guardian animal. It is said that those who are blessed by the wolf's spirit possess great strength, courage, and loyalty, traits that are highly valued by the Roseshade family.


Roseshades Present Day

In the present day of Eden, the Roseshade family remains a noble and influential force within the kingdom. They are known as fierce defenders of the forest, and their reputation as skilled archers and warriors is legendary.

The Roseshades still adhere to the ancient traditions and customs of their family, and their manor is a testament to the wealth and power they have accumulated over the past few years. The manoris surrounded by a moat, family's coat of arms adorns the entrance, depicting the wild rose and the sword of the family head, symbols of their devotion to nature and their strength in battle.

The family's matriarch is a wise and respected leader, who oversees all aspects of the family's affairs with a keen eye also her only eye and a steady hand. She is known for her friendliness and diplomacy, and is a force to be reckoned with in the political landscape of the Icy domain of Avalheim.

The Roseshades have moved out of the forests and into the northern forests instead in the rough land of the wyrm isles where they now live and own their own nation, and are still respecting the wolf as their sacred guardian animal. The family's warriors, trained from a young age in the art of the bow or sword, still patrol the snow, keeping a watchful eye for any threats that may arise.

Despite their wealth and power, the Roseshades remain humble and grounded, and they are known for their commitment to justice and fairness. They do not hold themself higher than others even through ruling a nation they mostly see themself as down to earth and treats other kindly and with a good heart though still living up to their honor and integrity, and their legacy is one of strength, resilience, and nobility.



In the frozen north, on the remote island of Wyrm Isles, lies the nation of Avalheim, ruled over by the benevolent Roseshade family. The harsh conditions of the north have shaped the Roseshades into tough and kind rulers, who have earned the respect and admiration of their people.

Under the leadership of the Roseshades, Avalheim has become a thriving community, with bustling markets, sturdy fortifications, and well-kept streets. The family has invested heavily in the town's infrastructure, building new roads and houses, and improving access to essential resources.

The Roseshades are known for their generosity and compassion, and they have established numerous charities and institutions to support the people of Avalheim. They have provided warm shelters and ample food supplies for the poor and needy during harsh winters, and have made sure that all the town's children have access to education and such.

Despite the challenges of living on a remote island in the frozen north, the Roseshades have managed to maintain a close relationship with their people, and are always willing to listen to the concerns and grievances of their subjects. Their fair and just rule have earned them the loyalty and admiration of the people of Avalheim.

The Roseshade family's legacy in Avalheim is one of kindness, generosity, and wise rule.

Colors Of The Roseshade

The Roseshades' colors are a striking combination of red, black, cyan, and golden. Each color has a symbolic meaning that reflects the family's values and traits.

The deep red represents the passion and determination of the Roseshade family, while the black signifies their strength and resilience. The cyan represents their wisdom and intelligence, while the golden hue symbolizes their wealth and prestige.

The Roseshades are known for their impeccable taste and sense of style, and their clothing and accessories often incorporate their signature colors. Members of the family can often be seen wearing black and red garments trimmed with gold and cyan.

The family's Manor is also adorned with these colors. The banners that hang from its battlements are emblazoned with the red, black, cyan, and gold colors of the Roseshades, making it clear to all who see it that this is a place of wealth, power, and wisdom.

Despite their ostentatious display of wealth and power, however, the Roseshades are known for their humility and generosity. They believe that their resources come with great responsibility, and they use their wealth to help those less fortunate than themselves.

In all aspects of their lives, the Roseshades embody the qualities of strength, determination, wisdom, and compassion that are represented by their distinctive colors. Their legacy is one of nobility, prestige, and grace, and their colors will forever be associated with the noble Roseshade family.


Family Tree

[Lily's Mother] Merilda Roseshade | Dead
[Lily's Father] Tyrid D. Roseshade | Dead

[Family Head] Lily Roseshade | lastfallenangel

[Family Heir] Astrophel Roseshade | awaballoon
[Lily's Younger Sister] Aether Roseshade | N/A looking for player

[Adopted Child Of Lily] Yael Grace Rosehade | Dead
[Lily's Child] Alice Roseshade | wouter8140
[Lily's Child] Yelran Roseshade | patt_07
[Lily's Child] Zeflore Xilthendrirrin | tristhewarrior
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