Hugo Alekzander 'the Spare' von Lichtenfelts


the Fell Omen



Hugo as of age fifteen.
[VOICE CLAIM (Ramsay Bolton]

A growing boy, the lesser Prinz finds himself in the midst of turmoil.
Blessed from birth with a strong and wealthy upbringing, the boy has so far lived an easy life from the safe confines of the Imperial palace. Only hearing of the wonders and dangers of the world, and not seeing them, makes a man’s curiosity take off in all directions. Some for the worse.

When those pearly gates opened on his fifteenth name day, it marked the beginning of a conflict, a conflict with himself, one only he could emerge victorious from.

But, would that really be himself?

The pressure is unnerving, soon reaching the boiling point. Where the nail strikes true, so to say. Hugo can’t help but stop ignoring the eyes watching him if there were any. It truly felt like it, a piercing and prying gaze that always lingered. He was sure his brother felt it too, doubly so. Though he could not muster the thought.

It was the clothes, perhaps; silky fabrics, smooth and soft fur that he wore, the vibrant colors of his very house and father’s empire. Tear them off, he couldn’t. What would they think of him? Hugo knew himself, he wouldn’t be averse to doing it for a good laugh, just to see the look on their faces and how they snicker. He enjoyed it. After each day passed one after the other Hugo couldn’t help but feel his face slip like a veil of painted, verdant colors to reveal that gray, lifeless face of his. This could not stand.

He would not conform, no matter the discipline he was subject to, nor the eyes that pried into his very soul, he was to be free. Free to do what a man- a boy wants, and what a boy does best; bring light to dark, and undermine the dull authority at all costs.

But to what ends? When shall it end? When does a boy truly become a man, is it when he is a good squire, when he reaches a certain age, or when he accomplishes something great? Only the boys know when they are no longer boys. Hugo must choose, and soon. The eyes encroach upon him once more, and his choice must be mature, the one condition that he abjures. But for the sake of his dreams and aspirations — and not for the sake of his father, his family, his ancestors, or even the Empire, he shall make it at the flip of a coin.

When Hugo develops, the next chapter shall be written in stone.

Full Name & Title: Prinz Hugo Alekzander von Lichtenfelt
Current Age: 15

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (abandons rules and pursues their own desires: freedom first)
Height: 5’2 — Notably a bit short for his age.
Build: Well-fed, with some meat on his bones.
Race: Attian Human
Sex: Male
Complexion: Very fair, like a napkin.
Scars / Marks: 1. Thorax/R. Shoulder: A wide, but dim red scar across his right shoulder on the front of his body. The result of his first joust, his face undoubtedly planted right in the mud thereafter.



+/ Gregarious
Hugo is not averse to talking to just about anyone, sometimes for the worse. Neither does he hold back on details, most of the time oversharing, much to the detriment of a conversation in most cases.


+ Compassionate
He is good at understanding, and seeing other points of view, being sympathetic to peoples’ causes, and holding concern for many.


+ Patient
The very opposite of his older brother, Hugo finds that when things take their time, they usually end up better.


His mind is usually set on one thing, and not the other. Hugo does find his thoughts marginally superior to others.


Hugo does not forgive, Hugo does not forget.


Though his temper is hardly broken, his wrath is yet to be properly tested.


Hugo calls many people friends, not many are strangers to him. But, the boy still has his criteria for what truly matters.
— To get on the relation list, you must simply RP with Hugo at least once, and let him know your name. Or just PM me on Discord.


8-10 — Loved, or very close.
4-7 — Positive attitude.
2-3 — Indifferent.
1 or below — Negative attitude.


Kaiser Philipp II Wilhelm — 9 HP
His father and mentor. Philipp does well to think about Hugo, and not overlook him in any matter. Hugo recognizes this and appreciates him. Even when he isn't involved, Hugo just enjoys being near his father, truly a pillar of warmth & love in the room. Hugo does not wish to ask anything of his father. He is content.

Anzhelika I — 8 HP
Hugo's dear mother. He loves her and looks up to her. Hugo just wishes she would spend more time with him.

Karl Philipp von Lichtenfelts — 8 HP
The Crown Prinz, and Hugo's rival in many ways. He loves to be playful and always challenges his brother when possible - even when the odds are uneven, Hugo enjoys picking on his bigger brother out of love. Hugo looks up to him, but of course, wishes to surpass him. Another challenge of his.

Siegfried od Albion — 6 HP
The Lord Commander. Hugo very much looks up to this strong man, all the way from his posture, demeanor, and ivory hair. He is one of the people in Adelsburg whose opinion he truly considers, despite Hugo's stubborn nature. He'll never forget the day Siegfried taught him how to ride a horse and overcome his struggling confidence. Hugo wishes to become Siegfried's squire.

Miss Cain Eldrik — 6 HP
Regarded much in the same vein as Ser Siegfried, Hugo likes Cain and thinks she is interesting, and a treasure trove of information. He feels like he could listen to her all day, talking about the outside world that he's yet to see. There is a shroud of mystery over her as well, Hugo wishes to know more about her.

Sine Verrador — 5 HP
Hugo looks up to the Chairman, he thinks that Sine is a wise and competent warrior, alongside being a good Chairman of the Duma. Hugo recognizes that Sine only wants him to succeed, and this is something that he can appreciate. Hugo will not forget that Sine accepted him as a representative of the Duma, despite his age and inexperience. Kind of like a worried uncle. Hugo wishes to learn the ways of politics from him.

Benjamin W. — 2 HP
This is the man that helped Miss Cain when she got stabbed! Hugo will never forget his face and his heroic deeds. Hugo is content, he does not particularly know this man well other than his deed.

Hyde Bloodrage — 1 HP
The man who has wronged him the most. Perhaps a wrathful overreaction from Hugo, the boy holds the man with low regard for his improper manners. Not to mention the man defeated him most harshly at the joust. Hugo wishes to defeat him in a joust or duel, whichever comes first.

Traits pictures are from Crusader Kings 3.
Art does not belong to me.
Everything else is mine.

If you'd like to use my format, then feel free! But please credit me.
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