Faction Announcement Imperial Decree Regarding the Line of Succession.


Kaiser of the Hadrian Empire, Based High elf, God
Staff member
[!] Pamphlets bearing the Imperial Seal with a royal order are distributed throughout the realm and beyond.


By Imperial Decree published openly on Wineday the Third of Godsnight, 1556, Prinz Wilhelm Sigismund von Lichtenfelts has been removed as Prinz-elect for Imperial elections after the passing of His Imperial Majesty, Diederick-Göbel von Lichtenfelts. The titles, inherited lands, power, and rights attached to the Krönfurst's post are with immediate effect transmitted to now Krönfurst Karl Severin von Lichtenfelts.

This decision is made with heavy heart, however, with recent developments around the young Prinz and the rejection of his chosen path of redemption, the souring of diplomatic ties with world powers, and his previous attempt to seek to overthrow me, attempting to deny the Kaiser his right to rule and seek power for himself, bypassing the vote, he is deemed unfit to govern anything more but a Markgrafdom in the furthest northern reaches of the realm. And now, the order has officially passed.

I ask each and every noble house of the Krönlanden to come to the Imperial Palace at an upcoming to-be-determined date to swear loyalty to the new heir and Prinz Elect of the Krönlanden and for other nobles from far and wide, abroad and in the realm to come meet the upcoming ruler of the Empire.



Ze'lli, watching the notice come to his desk spoke, "Huh. Cool." As he put it aside in the pile of documents already amassing on the desktop.
[!] A decree is pinned under. [!]



To the people of the Kaiserreiches,

It is with a heavy heart that I address you in the wake of my removal as Prinz-Elect of the Empire and the reassignment of my titles and duties. This decision, as decreed by my father, His Imperial Majesty Diederick-Göbel von Lichtenfelts, marks a profound moment in both my life and the history of our family.

I will not contest the judgment of the Kaiser, for his word is law, and my loyalty to the Empire remains steadfast.
I accept his decree with humility and will retire to my new post as Markgraf in the northern reaches of the Empire. My commitment to serving the Hadrian Empire and its people remains unbroken, and I will devote myself fully to this new chapter, seeking redemption not in words but in actions.

I ask the people of the Empire to understand that my mistakes, though grievous, were never born of malice. I love my father, the Kaiser, and this realm deeply. I will strive every day to rebuild what has been lost, to prove that even in the darkest hour, one can rise anew with Alder's guidance.

May Alder’s light shine upon the Hadrian Empire, the ruling House of Lichtenfelts, and all its people.

Signed and Stamped,

