Nation Announcement In Due Time


Trendsetter and Loremaster Buggie
Staff member
“I’m watching you this time…”
[!] For the following weeks, up until the funeral, it’s as though her footsteps were imprinted permanently into the dirt paths of Mitrona and the sands of Sunscape. Her laughter through the tavern and palace. Her smile in the corner of the room– only for it to disappear once looked at. Elaine was everywhere but nowhere simultaneously. Silently, quietly, cheering you all on.

[!] Do not metagame this section.

A towering Azari’cerr walked through the palace. A ring of keys in her right hand. She seemed disgruntled, her own heavy look. She seemed no more than eighteen in elven years. However, the scar across her eye aged her significantly. The young adult seemed to be unlocking every door in the bedroom halls and swinging them open. It smelled fresh of death. It didn’t seem to phase her. Once every door was unlocked, she walked up to the outside greenhouse. A letter over a circular object. It read the following,


You deserve this. Run with pride and look after my babies.


The handwriting was sloppy, with red ink, as if the woman writing it couldn’t be still for just eleven words. After looking over the letter, her eyes darted to the object she was referring to. A gold crown. With a deep amber stone set in the middle. She quickly crumbled up the letter and threw it. She reached towards the crown with hungry hands and placed it atop her temples. The woman looked for pen and paper, trying to remember every ounce of how to write common in the meantime.



[The following will be public knowledge]
The Amber Dawn
[!] A short letter on the noticeboards of all colonies of Mitrona, and one sent to Luminion.

“I am N’vaestīl “Izara” Vobisere. Hand-picked by my predecessor, I am crowned the fourth Khari’cerr. All meetings will come in due time.”

It didn’t seem as though she was much for words. Or writing for that matter.​
*sitting in silence, Archie would catch wind of the happenings, albeit rather belated. Still in shock of the death of the greatest Khari'cerr the glade had yet seen, he at least sat in relative ease, knowing the new ruler was chosen by Elaine, the People's Sword.*

"Well, I had all trust in Elaine, so I will hold hope for this new leader, and offer any support I can give. That said, she has big shoes to fill. I hope it doesn't weigh her down."
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Days pass and the pain of loss has become a little bit easier for her, Amari tries to find comfort in life again. Watering her plants, sharpening her weapons, a small trip to the clinic to check on patients, and then goes into the city more. Amari reads the notice

"Finally, someone who doesn't take up half the board with nonsense. Long may they reign,whoever they are.." She states, going back to her home, to feed her cat and play piano.
Ooc: Your playing in the same line of royalty again? Handed down by your passed character. Is that like even allowed?
Ooc: Your playing in the same line of royalty again? Handed down by your passed character. Is that like even allowed?
if you read the ooc explanation on An Echo in the Forest, it explains I got the go ahead and this took months of planning (y)
I was gonna say, it seemed kinda crummy to give yourself the crown, AGAIN, but I get it. Now you get to go to your own funeral.
I will address this once, if you wish to discuss in DMs, feel free to!

While I understand the perspective of it being "shameless", this is supposed to be seen (oocly) as just a transition for better lore accuracy. It'd be hypocritical of me to be the Lore Team Manager and not follow the lore. The only real reason I stayed Khari'cerr as a tiefling is that I wrote, like, a whole essay (not an exaggeration) to Ark to try and persuade him. I was already keeping the nation afloat at this time, and it was pretty evident that I was the best choice. That's not meant to sound pretentious in any way, but that was the situation at the time. I was going to stay Khari'cerr because of how well the nation thrived under my rule. And by all means, if you think your wood elf would be a better fit, push for it. Because roleplay is roleplay. I'm here to help the lore and love my nation. As I did when I first started doing everything for everyone six months ago. Hope this response clears some things up!
I was gonna say, it seemed kinda crummy to give yourself the crown, AGAIN, but I get it. Now you get to go to your own funeral.

Haley also revived the nation from the ground up.

She PK'd her own character for lore reasons, a lv10 Mage. Whilst I dont agree with giving your future character power to begin with, this is a sole exception to it all.
Haley also revived the nation from the ground up.

She PK'd her own character for lore reasons, a lv10 Mage. Whilst I dont agree with giving your future character power to begin with, this is a sole exception to it all.
this is really sweet of you, thank you
Honestly, I couldn't care less. I think I speak for most Woodies when I say Haley had done amazing things for the empire through Elaine, and we're all thankful. She's made it clear that she has nothing against someone else stepping up, so it's not a power grab situation. I don't really see much from politics, but I didn't see anyone else saying they were trying to take the position and were denied, and she has gained the right to say that she's the best pick of the lot, considering all she's done
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