
Operation Exoskeleton sought to fortify and bolster the encampment constructed during Operation Arachnophobia. The mission objectives included the strengthening of our defensive perimeter with stout fencing and sturdy stakes, as well as the cleansing of the campsite from the remnants of the colossal crab's vanquished carcass.

However, unforeseen adversaries assailed us during our laborious endeavors, testing our mettle. A horde of vile
trolls, guided by a cunning shaman, launched an audacious assault upon our encampment. Swift and resolute action led to the decimation of the immediate threat, though the shaman managed to elude our grasp, retreating into the depths of the jungle.

Subsequently, we faced relentless
onslaughts from marauding packs of wolves and bands of rampaging trolls. Despite our numerical disadvantage, our valiant warriors employed diversionary tactics, splitting the enemy forces, and defying the odds through sheer determination and martial prowess.

As the chaotic battle unfolded, an enormous fungal
abomination, emanating putrid vapors and birthing explosive fungal minions, encroached upon our campsite. Our forces endured immense hardships and valiantly fought against this abhorrent adversary. Yet even in the face of tremendous adversity, we emerged victorious.

Despite the challenges we faced, the fortification of our encampment and the cleansing of the campsite were successfully accomplished. Operation Exoskeleton solidified our presence in the Southern Jungles, fostering a resilient and secure base of operations from which we may continue our work in the region.


-- Jagdmeister Antoni