
Operation Spinning the Web was executed with the primary objective of exploring the spider-infested ruin nestled within the heart of the southern jungles. Deployed Jaegers were to assess the inherent dangers present in the area, and gather intelligence about both the location and the potential hostiles inhabiting it.

However, en route to the target destination, we were greeted by the sight of flesh upon the jungle floor. Though I cannot confirm it, I suspect that the area was under the influence of some
dark magic.

The group was abruptly thrown into chaos as the rearguard came under a surprise attack from a
colossal arachnid. Swift and coordinated action from our soldiers swiftly neutralized the immediate threat, preserving the integrity of our formation and preventing further casualties.


Unfortunately, the demise of the brood mother gave rise to a
relentless swarm of smaller spiders. The tenacity and sheer numbers of these arachnids tested the mettle of our forces. The sustained assault and their unwavering determination pushed us to the brink of our capabilities, though we eventually managed to survive the tide and emerge victorious in battle.

Recognizing the need to reassess our strategy, a tactical retreat was deemed necessary to avoid undue losses. Of particular concern was the brood mother's enigmatic
demise. Instead of leaving a tangible carcass, her body dissipated into nothingness, leaving us with unsettling questions about the occult forces at work within these creatures.

To ensure the success and safety of future expeditions into this treacherous domain, it is imperative that we bolster our ranks with additional
manpower. With a stronger force and a refined strategy, we can confidently navigate the intricate webs of this ruin and effectively neutralize the spider menace.

-- Jagdmeister Antoni
I have nothing in-character to add but I would like to really emphasise how great this thread is