Player Announcement Loss of a 'Cill


Sultana of Anjyarr & GM
Staff member
[!] A quickly written notice is stamped within the city of Luminion, alongside the mysterious delivery of a large bag to the Lunar Keep guard office.

I regret to report that, during an investigation of a secluded, forested location behind Aestarius, that new military commander- Thallan whoever, was found bleeding out..

He had gashes and cuts all across his arms and face, some sort of markings- like runes. It all just feels wrong, it must be something to do with those damned undead vermin. This High Elf, whoever he was, must have been laid victim to their influences. Never knew the man, nor did I know many of the 'Cill around this area, but I send my regards to his family. I've had the body delivered to Luminion, where it should be taken to your military keep. Whatever this is, please.. figure it out already.

[!] The notice, while hastily written, is unmistakably written by somebody used to common script. Perhaps that of a Human, but not of the prestige of a High Elf.

In the end, we lay to rest our most beloathed 'Cill, Thallan-Furcas Illysar..