Nation Announcement Military Recruitment


A message would be tacked to the message board of every city in both the Anjyarr Empire and the Foul Tide of Zadh-Naross.
It would be stamped with the royal seal of the Sultan.

Greetings, people of Anjyarr and the Foul Tide!
Our military ranks are currently recruiting!
Come fight for your brothers at arms!
If you want to fight with honor, guard our government officials, gain a higher social status and get paid while doing so, our Guard force is the job for you!

These positions are also available for part-time and volunteer services! Have too much going on? Is your current job crowding your schedule? No worries! Sign up for a part time position and be trained to defend your country when necessary!


--Signed, Zhen Dhelvin, Captain of the Guard

ooc: Sign up to be a part time guard for muneh, social status, bragging rights and the chance to fight for your country!

Talk to any Jundi ICLY or shoot us a letter! Zhen and Aegnor Ithill are also able to recruit you!

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