New Librarian in Town, with a purpose!


Librarian, Minstrel and Poet
New Librarian in Town


Come one, come all!

It is time to announce the first step to changing the Library!

A Poetry Competition!

All Entries will be added to the Public library, but the winner will be posted for all to see- Fame and Fortune

Please donate your entries

(This will last 1 Irl Week as of today)

I'm sure this has been done many times before, but it is important to never forget the spirit of the Writer, the Library needs filling with the words of the old and young!

Any donations to the Library would be greatly appreciated
We are definitely always in need of books- Written and copied!

As the new Librarian I look forward to meeting all whom enjoy the company of books and the tales of history that come with them

I bid you the best of luck, and hope to meet you soon.

*This would be plastered on the notice board*