Player Announcement New shop in town - Luminion player announcement


ErzTreasurer of Hadriana, Fat man and Builder
Staff member

[!] A nicely decorated letter would be hung on every nation's noticeboard

Aey'flir Heraldry 3.png

Vale citizens of Luminion, creatures from all around Eden.

Have you always wished to have a nice portrait of yourself on the wall? One that looks better than that filthy mirror you keep looking into to boost your ego. Come by the Enlightened city and get your portrait made by the one and only Pricecilus Fynenar Aey'flir. Magnificent brushstrokes that fill the paper will make sure that your portrait stands out from the rest and is something to boast with.

Recently opened the workshop can be found on the town square.
Adress: Larethael Square 2

To start off this newly established business with joy you now recieve 1 bottle of wine with every purchase.

Pricecilus Fynenar Aey'flir

This is the stuff I make

Fynenar Artwork1.png

*Casually walks by, whisteling a cheerful song as she notices the letter* "This looks lovely, but my ego doesn't need a boost" *She giggles, letting her eyes wander over his beautiful art* "It does look great, I might visit him for a new portret to decorate my new palace with" *She scratches her head, thinking before telling her guards* "We should find time for this, maybe a fun activity during these busy days!"
*Would walk around Dar-Ach Denur, eating his daily fill of chicken and spotted the letter. He'd pick it up and bring it to the Inn to show the other Denur "Lads, loo' at wha' tha' tall one's made." and pointed at the portrait of himself proudly "He's really captured me essence, di'nt he?" and continued to give a salespitch to all the other Denur so they might also visit Fynenar's Crack- I mean, Gallery.*

OOC: Lads, Robin has been tryharding this and he's getting really good at it. Let him practice on your character :p
“Ah I’ll go there right now, hopefully he shop isn’t already too busy.” He laughed before going to saddle his mount.