Player Announcement Northern Seafarers Guild: A Whalers Tale


Upon the return of the last whaling voyage, the log of the Flying Flusslander was ordered to be copied and sent across the Hadrian Empire and the other realms of Eden. Now all may read about the adventure that transpired.

[!] This message containing the crest of the 'Northern Seafarer's Guild' would be sent across the several nations of Eden [!]



Harvestday 12, Edensrest 1530
Today the Flying Flusslander set sail for the icy waters of the Glass Sea, in hope of finding a large group of whales.
The day began with good weather conditions ideal for sailing, crewmembers started their doing their daily chores of maintaining, cleaning, cooking, and setting the sails. The Captain plotted a course for the northern sea and hosted multiple individuals of import within his quarters such as.

- Kaiser Phillip II Wilhelm von Lichtenfelts

- Princess Helena von Lichtenfelts

- Janczyk Mariusz Tzyrnowski, Herzog of Flussland

-Cedric Reinhardt, Herzog of the Herzland

- Lady Clarissa Reinhardt, Lady Steward

In the evening a small dinner was held for the guests below deck with the Captain, whilst the helmsman and chief-mate kept the vessel on its course.
The crewmembers were kept above deck during the meal, this would cause their shifts to change. Less sleep and more hours spend actively on deck.

No incidents were reported on this day.

Wineday 13, Edensrest 1530

A clouded sky marked the early morning, the waves higher than normal causing the vessel to slightly sway from left to right. The crew would continue their normal duties, only on alert for any changes in the weather.

Below deck it was noted that the supplies had been gnawed at, it seems several rodents found their way into the ship's storage room.
In fear of the diseases carried by rodents, many of the supplies were thrown overboard possibly causing hunger and scurvy.
The matter was taken to the Captain, it was decided the ship would change its course to pass an Island known for its large seal population. This would cause the problem of hunger to end.

During the late hours of the day, the weather changed drastically, and the high waves began to violently crash into the ship causing it to sway extremely.
Unfortunately, Princess Helena found herself on deck when a large wave hit the vessel, she was flung overboard into the cold sea.
The Kaiser and Herzog of Flussland quickly came to her aid, together they rescued her from being swallowed by the waves. Once on board, she was quickly tended to and reassured her father the sea was for her.

All who did not have experience sailing were requested to stay below deck for the remaining of the night as seen before the sea proves itself dangerous.

No further incidents were reported during the night.

Thunderday 14, Edensrest 1530

The Flying Flusslander spotted a Seal Island. With haste, a team was formed to go by rowboat and hunt the seals. After some time the party did not return, and this called for another group to investigate the matter. Upon reaching the island long trails of blood could be seen heading inwards, something had happened to the hunting party. The Herzog of Herzland, Cedric Reinhardt led the men further into the island, eventually stricken by a thick blizzard. their visibility greatly impeded they nonetheless continued.

Suddenly the men would hear a loud growl, causing them to stop in their tracks. Cedric standing a few meters at the head of the column used a torch to light the way when suddenly a large polar bear pounced on the Herzog. The beast clawed and bit so ferociously at the man, causing him to be shaken. The group threw their harpoons at the bear causing it to run into the blizzard.

Upon returning to the vessel, Cedric was quickly tended to by the ship's surgeon.
Although the hunting party returned empty-handed, the crew would not go hungry. On the captain's orders, the crew started fishing in sloops after the group left for the Island.
Unfortunately, none of the first hunting-group was found, may the Maker be kind to their souls.

No further incidents were reported during the remaining day

Fireday 15, Edensrest 1530

The day began relatively normally, the crewmembers performed their daily task and stood ready upon the sighting of whales.
The Captain held a small meeting inside his quarters between his quartermaster, hunters, and noblemen. They devised a plan on how to approach a whale, the animals are not aggressive but they can prove a danger. Their massive tails can cause sloops to split in half and the men to drown in the cold waters.
suddenly the bell was rung, and a whale was spotted on the port side of the vessel, it has apparently been entangled in old whaling nets.

As the crew approached the whale with their sloops they saw it struggling greatly, this offered a great opportunity. All began to throw their harpoons at the beast aiming to slay it. However, the beast's tail got loose from the net and hit a sloop causing it to sink, as the other sloops quickly tried to rescue their fellow sailors. One made way toward the head of the beast, and Janczyk-Mariusz Tzyrnowski would throw a harpoon right at the whale's skull causing it to die instantly.

With the whale dead and the fellow crewmembers rescued the remaining sloops began cutting it loose from its old restraints and put ropes around it aiming to drag the body towards the vessel and securing it to the ship's stern side. Upon completion of the task, the crew started to loudly celebrate on deck, drinking whalers-wódka and singing.


All aboard would suddenly be swept off their feet as the ship was hit extremely hard on the bow, a monstrous grey whale had battered the vessel. Its back full of large scars and harpoons proving the beast to be a survivor of many whaling encounters.
The beast was so aggressive it hit the ship multiple times causing the mainsail to fall, as the crewmembers attempted to repair the damage Janczyk could be observed approaching the bow and starting to climb the jib. He faced the monster eye to eye.

The beast seemed to lose heart and retreated back into the dark ocean.
Janczyk vowed to hunt it down, a prize none could deny as an unworthy catch.

Marketday 16, Edenrest 1530

Today marked the return of the Flying Flusslander to the Lunberg docks, their mission completed. A crowd of bystanders would be cheering their return with the whale, as it was quite a feat.

Upon docking, the crewmembers started unloading any remaining supplies, whilst the notable guests left for the confines of the castle.

End of the log

[!] A name written in large letters was found on the last page MORPOTWÓR possibly for the monster, named by the crew [!]



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[!] In some northern icy hellscape there were the remains of a smashed camp, battered tents waved calmly in the mist while an eary enery surrounded the place. From the remnants of a boiled pot, all frozen above a downed fireplace a trail of blood was seen slowly waving its path through the icy mist. In one of the destroyed tent with claw marks the size of which were never seen before in Eden a small booklet was found next to the sight of a severed leg. This was the remnants of the second hunting party, venturing too far North, isolated and barren [!]

Matrosen-Obergefreiter Franzl Königstoren 24.09.1530,

All iz well, vez set up camp in pursuit of hunting grounds, our men have managed to kill one of ze great white demons during a hunt, vez feasted on itz vleisch to celebrate our continued survival, ze men were in great spirit again. Only Dietrich abstained from eating, in ze end he did not eat any of ze thick prepared meat as he kept looking in ze show, mumbling to him what Ich though was some old Attian children's song. Zhen to our surprise Dietrich emerged to eat only ze heart of ze creature vez found. As the rest has been all but eaten by ze crew none took offense. Though Ich seem to recall zat Dietrich vas not himself.

Matrosen-Obergefreiter Franzl Königstoren 09.10.1530,

Ve've ventured ze toendra for zwei weeks zu no avail. Some of ze men have started to loose zeir meinds.
Only zwei weeks ago Dietrich Engel lured another sailor into ze mist, and murdered him, feeding on his vleisch.
Ven Dietrich returend without Ülm, ze aforementioned sailor ve questioned him, and noticed his appatite was sufficient, and his belly slown.
On mein authority as Matrosen-Obergefreiter Ich executed ze Matrose on ze spot with my crossbow, sadly ze bolt broke, rendering ze devise useless.
On authority of ze Kommodore ze crew proceeded to feed on Dietrich's corpse in desperation, I abstained as ze Maker would not allow such a travesty.

Matrosen-Obergefreiter Franzl Königstoren 11.10.1530,

As vez found ze desicrated remains of Ülm vez noticed that his body was entirely intact except for his heart, it seems that Dietrich did not eat anything other of fat Ülm's body, to prevent shock in ze expedition Ich und the Komodore did not tell the rest of ze men, though what Ich later saw was more disturbing, following back to ze camp something half burried in ze snow was lying in ze middle of a circle of Rocks, Ich had not even seen rocks sinz we left Flüssland. In ze middle of the circle vaz Ülm's heart as if Dietrich was sacrificing it to something. Perhaps that explainz ze full belly vhen Dietrich arrived back in camp.

[!] The report suddenly ends, to be found by any daring adventurer to go looking for the second hunting party [!]


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