Order Of The Night

Order Of The Night


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From the icy reaches of the north they emerged, and to those same lands, they yearn to return. In the wake of the shattered kingdom, where once proud fortresses crumbled and verdant landscapes turned desolate, there arose a solemn vow - the balance between life and death would be restored, and for peace once more to rest above Eden.

Origins and Resilience:
The Order of the Night stands as a resilient remnant of the once-proud guild known as 'The Silence'. Born amidst the chaos of the northern kingdom's collapse and the loss of their stronghold nestled by the swamp's edge, these dark elves found themselves scattered, their unity fractured. Yet, from the ashes of defeat, they arose anew, gathering in the shadows of the towering mountains that overlooked the slow decay of their home. Though yearning to reclaim the beauty of the north, they recognize the necessity of biding their time, making do with the resources at hand until the moment to reclaim the fallen cities from the undead.

Identity and Purpose:
The members of the Order Of The Night are a diverse mix of races, with dark elves being most among their ranks. They are known by many titles - voidal hunters, undead slayers. In the aftermath of the northern kingdom's fall, they have reaffirmed their purpose: to stand as guardians against the encroaching darkness, to hunt down the foul creatures of the void and the undead, and to preserve the balance of the world. Their resolve, tempered by loss and strengthened by unity, drives them forward, each member bound by the common goal of restoring order to a fractured realm.

Current Presence:
While the Order Of The Night no longer boasts a centralized headquarters as it once did, their influence lingers in the rugged terrain of the northern mountains. From hidden enclaves and scattered camps, they survey the land with watchful eyes, for any signs of the undead armies. Though their numbers may be scattered, their commitment to the cause remains the same. It is amidst the craggy peaks and snow-capped mountains that they make their stand, striking out against the darkness wherever it dares to tread beyond the swamp.

As shadows lengthen and whispers of ancient evils stir in the chill winds, the Order Of The Night stands ready, their blades sharpened, their spirits unyielding. For as long as the balance is unstable, they will stand ready, guardians of the night, keepers of the light.

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