Order of the Raeven Knights


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden

Origin of the Order and the Raven Rider:
The Tale of the Raeven Order begins with an ominous story, one that began in the province of Heartland, during the days of the Kingdom of Hadriana. It is the tale of the Raven Rider. This was a mystery knight that roamed the lands of Man in the year of 1514. This knight doned in blackened armor and followed by flocks of neverious black birds was known as the Raven Rider. This black rider set up camp outside the ancient capital of man, challenging King Joseph Withmond for a trial at arms. Before the King could answer many knights in his court took up the black gauntled to fight for their king. Though to the horror of the race of Man this knight could not be defeated. Many times the old knights succeeded in delivering mortal wounds to this mysterious rider, cutting off limbs and even once decapitating the knight. However this mangled knight continued fighting and after the passing of nine days, returned with all his limbs regrown. The court of King Joseph Withmond was thinning, as many honorable knights were slain in the face of the Raven Rider. When King Joseph, wishing to atone almost picked up the Rider's gauntlet for a final duel, he was stopped short, for a young nobleman, Johannes van Leuveren, heir to Lord Gerardus van Leuveren and the older brother of Arnoud took up the gauntlet. Johannes decided to combat the knight in the fords of the river Venen in the North, where Ice covered the river during Lilith's Veill, and there the knight and the monster fought their final duel. Wounding the Raven Rider several times, but sustaining injuries himself Johannes knew this battle was futile. As he retreated onto the ice his foe followed, the heavy armor denting the ice where he stood. Johannes, bleeding from several wounds retreated further onto the ice as he began stabbing it to weaken the plateau. There the two fought their final blows as when the ice collapsed both were caught underneath and sank wearing their heavy armor. Whereas Johannes' body was found there was no trace of the Raven Rider, though he did not return in nine days, and not nine days after. Since the winter of 1514 Johannes was heralded as a hero of the Hinterlands. And many years later, as the Hinterlanders settled the North in the Republic of Raevendrecht his name still carried on. For in the year 1531, seventeen years after the Raven Rider first appeared, they raised an order in anticipation of his possible return in the next year, being two times nine years the time since the Rider first was destroyed. Therefore the Hinterlanders of the Republic of Raevendrecht now proudly raised their new order, the Order of the Raeven, a knights order dedicated to combat the Raven Rider whenever he should return and protect the people of the Hinterlands to honor the fallen Johannes van Leuveren.


The life of a Raeven knight is one of service and dedication, and that dedication is focused on the principles of the Republic of Raevendeht, the focus point of their duty. The Estates General is the embodiment of their devotion, and the focus of their Valor, as they swear an oath to the people of the Republic to protect their lands against the second coming of the Raven Rider and any other threats. To enter the Order of the Raeven one must be invited in by a Paladin and will embark on their journey as a novice where many have failed. The Grand-Master of the order will put these novices to many tests to entrust upon them the creed of the Order of the Raeven. Then and only then is one worthy to take the blue hood of the Order of the Raeven. The Order of the Raeven is protected by the Stadtholder who holds patronage and names them honorary knights in his authority as Prince of Catamora, and Stadtholder of the Republic.

Oath of Fealthy:
To join the Order of the Raeven a novice will swear the following vows:

  1. "I vow to serve the Republic with honor and loyalty, until the end of my days or the breaking of my sword."
  2. "I swear to defend the innocent and the weak, and to stand against tyranny and oppression."
  3. "I promise to uphold the ideals of chivalry, to show mercy to my enemies, and to treat all ladies with the utmost respect and reverence."
  4. "I vow to never use my sword for personal gain, but only in the service of justice and the greater good."
  5. "I swear to never abandon my duty, even in the face of death, and to stand firm in the defense of the Republic."
  6. "I promise to be a shining example of virtue, to inspire others to follow in my footsteps, and to always seek to better myself."
  7. "I vow to be unwavering in my devotion to the principles of the republic, to put herneeds before my own, and to lay down my life in her service, if need be."
  8. "I swear to never betray my comrades in arms, to stand by them in battle and in peace, and to honor the bond of brotherhood we share."
  9. "I promise to be vigilant in my duties, to always be prepared for battle, and to never let down my guard in the defense of my people."
  10. "I vow to be true to my word, to keep my promises, and to never break faith with those who have placed their trust in me."

[OOC: We are recruiting for our new Knights Order! There will be small castle in the south of Raevendrecht that will house these knights. If you're interested PM HerrVonAdmiral#6238, I am searching for a Grand-Master, a Paladin and a Novice to start things out.]
