Quartermaster's Report


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] This letter was send to the leading nobility of all provinces in the Hadrian Empire [!]


Greatings Hertog or Hertogin and Stewards,
By order of the Reichsarmee we are enacting a quartermaster report on all Imperial War equipment these following months.
Ever since the days of the old Kingdom the stocks divided in the lands of the Empire have been neglected, spread out and are generally in a great state of disorder. To remmedy this fact and to be prepared for any conflict the Reichsarmee seeks to dossier the stockpiles of equipment spread out in all the castles and armories in the empire. Therefore the Reichsarmee seeks permission for the quartermaster to enact an inspection of all forlorn and forgotten equipment in the Empire. We would gladly wish for your cooperation in filing our old stockpiles. We need only search the major armories in all major keeps. Privately owned arms are, for now, none of our concern. Such a widespread search as we do now enact is beneficial for the entirety of the Empire, for addtionally to war supplies it also entails general stocks used in trainings and other nescessities such as the international arms market.

I bid thee health in the light of Aristea and may Alder guide you, please cooperate.
Silas Moetiour van Leuveren
Hertog of the Southern Hinterlands

Quartermaster of the Reichsarmee