Quest - ✠ The Temple's Quest for the Sword of Hadrius: Part 1 ✠


[!]A poster bearing the official stamp of the Temple of Alder is displayed in major public places throughout the Empire[!]


To the subjects of the Empire and to all men of valor and firm will.

Great is the darkness of Chaos that besieges the land beneath our sky, but glorious golden fields and melodious songs of heroism are already written in the pages of destiny, waiting to be played.

✠ The Sword of the Oracle ✠

Ancient library chronicles and legends of Attia tell of the origin of Alderism, which occurred many years ago in that region which is today submerged and populated with death that never sleeps.

The Greater Pre-Determination is said to have appeared to Alder in the form of a Golden Griffin, giving him a magical greatsword "forged from the star of Hadrius", which according to ancient sources can "burst into golden flame".

The Sword which is the symbol of our belief lies buried in the marshes of Magna Attia, waiting for a hero to recover it.

The Greatsword Heillicht lies lost among crowds of enemies, and it is already written that it will be recovered.

✠ The Quest ✠

For this reason, preparations have been underway for some time for an expedition to recover the magical finds of our glorious past.

The Temple offers from 20 to 50 Andros to all those who have valid information on Magna Attia unknown to us and 300 Andros to the first among the brave to offer a complete mapping of the marshes.

As soon as we have sufficient information and forces up to the task, the Order of the Temple will launch an expedition into hostile territory, in order to recover what rightfully belongs to the Attians and the Temple.

Signed Gregor von Volker, Vater of the Alderist Faith