Raiding Rules

Raiding Rules

Welcome to the Raiding Rules!
The goal of this document is to explain the game rules that must be applied during raids (defined below).
If you have any questions, please talk to our staff team.​

Chapter I. General Rules

  1. Raids are attacks on a faction or lair that is carried out by a group of player characters.
  2. Raiders can only raid a target that has at least two people in its activity region.
    • To see what targets are eligible for a raid, use the command /activity to get an overview as seen below.
  3. Raiders must be tied to a faction or lair and raids must be approved by a Region Leader of the raiding party’s origin.
  4. Before a raid may commence, the raiders have to inform the staff team through a [request modteam] message.
    Format: (run this command in-game)
    /requeststaff modteam Requesting raid: (time); (amount of raiders); (target); (reason)

    After a spectating moderator is present to moderate the raid event and they give it a go, the raid may happen.

  5. There always has to be a valid reason for a raid to commence. Raiding just to murder everyone in a town is not seen as valid. Examples of valid reasons are: assassinations, rescuing missions, sabotage missions, and heists.
  6. Before the battle begins, both parties get some space to RP before the battle begins. It is expected of a raiding group that they announce their presence in RP before they enter the combat phase. The combat phase of the battle may begin 10 minutes after they announce their presence. After the combat part of the raid begins, raiders get at most 30 minutes to achieve their goal.
  7. After the 30 minutes have passed, it is expected of the raiders to retreat. If this is not possible because they’re pinned down, the raid moderation can extend the raid combat time by another 30 minutes. If the raiders' goal is not achieved after these next 30 minutes or they are still not able to retreat, they are considered captured by the defending forces.

Chapter II. Peacetime Raids

  1. A raid does not have to target a settlement or fortification, it can also mean an ambush or skirmish on the roads of the target territory tile.
  2. The raid target determines the maximum size of the raid.
    • Lair: 8
    • Minor faction Build: 12
    • Major Faction Settlement: 15
    • Faction Capital: 20
  3. After a raid happens, there is a cooldown placed on the target. Only after this cooldown is over, can the target be raided again.
    • Raid on a lair: 1-week cooldown
    • Raid on a Minor faction Build: 1-week cooldown.
    • Raid on a major faction settlement: 1-week cooldown
    • Raid on a faction capital: 1-week cooldown.
    • Breakout raids may ignore all cooldowns.
  4. The defender can call in reinforcements by OOC means (e.g. Discord) only after they use their town bell. The town bell is defined as a Minecraft Bell block which can be right-clicked to activate the bell plugin to call for aid. Rallying without using the town bell is considered metagaming and everyone answering the metagame call cannot participate in the raid.

Chapter III. Wartime Raids

  1. All previously mentioned raiding rules still apply during wartime. All changes to raiding during a war will be listed below and override the peacetime rules if the two parties are at war with one another.
  2. Raid cooldowns can never be longer than 48 hours during wartime.
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