Nation Announcement Recalling all Hinterlanders! Establishment of the Hooghlandsche Vrystaet - Invitation to a feast


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] A message was nailed to the notice boards and delivered to the nation leaders of Luminion, Mitrona, Al Khadir, Bergwood, Zadh-Nadrozz and Prezza L'Aquila bearing the crest of the Van Leuveren Family, now with a White Lion [!]


My fellow country men, Hinterlanders, long have we waited for a new light and long have I yearned to answer the call of my people.
My name is Silas Moetiour- Van Leuveren, Son of Arndil Moetiour and Isabella van Leuveren, Prince of Catamora and Stadtholder of the Hinterlands.
My people, the weariness of the Second Hadrian Civil War has weakened our people who once again were the pawn of the greater Empires. With the death of my first uncle, the previous Stadtholder Arnoud van Leuveren it is now up to me to restore a home to our people, who have been neglected for too long. We are Hinterlanders, a proud people and our lineage goes back to the Age of Kings when the once scattered Tribes of the Hinterlands fought the Kingdom of Hadriana in the 90 years war. Once we ruled ourselves, proudly from the lands around Bergwoude to the former capital of Wakkerdam, now known as Prezza L'Aquila. During the Second Hadrian Civil War we were loyal to the King, Roderick Withmond, but our people were punished for it. With no land to call our home we have all but scattered and exiled ourselves to all the corners of Eden, but this day we shall reunite again. When our former colony of Catamora was annnihilated by voidal demons the High Elves of Luminion saved me from certain death. But do not conern yourself, my loyalty has always been to my people, the people of the Hinterlands. Therefore after my uncle Lord Johan van Leuveren raised again the Orange banners of our proud and ancient House wand rode to Luminion to plead for aid, the Luminous Kingdom answered. Together during the year of 1528 we constructed a mighty new home for our people in the Highlands (Hooghlands) of Magna Attia. There we know assemble and reunite our people to call into being the SECOND REPUBLIC.

My People I invite all of you to venture North and re-unite with our people. Here we have raised a mighty castle but still require the hands of strong Hinterlanders and adventurers to aid us in making this harsh and cold environment our own. Here we call forth the Second Republic and reinstate the powers of the Staten Generaal (Estates General). In the former Hinterlands we knew no king, but were ruled by the people, for the people under the protection of the Stadthouders, who's legacy the Van Leuveren family still carries. Therefore our lands know no serfdom, for everyone who joins us is regarded as a Citizen with an equal vote in the Estates General.

Though we venture on a new adventure we call upon all Hinterlanders and daring folks of Eden to join us in our endeavour of making the North our home. It is a cold climate, it is a harsh climate, but we are strong and most of all we are free. Come home to us and together we shall overcome, and return our rightful place as a free people of Eden.

We invite all to come to the Castle of Raevendrecht, which lies north of the riverfork in Magna-Attia, the castle lies on the location where the once feared Raven Rider was defeated.


To the Realms of Eden we bear no ill will but to live in freedom. Therefore we invite representatives of all major nations of Eden to bear witness to the creation of our new free state. We kindly invite all the former families of the North, namely the House Tzyrnowski and House Rovelt to witness our establishment. In addition we would one representative of the Hadrian Empire as a gesture of no ill will after relations between our peoples were astranged after the collapse of the Withmond Dynasty, if uncomfortable we would welcome two guardians for your peoples, but fear not as we are still a people of the Dictus and to lay harm on a fellow Makerist is a sin. Foremostly we would also invite a great assembly of the Empire of Al-Khadir, long has your empire been prosperous in the south and we would seek aid and clarity as to what happened to my mother Isabella van Leuveren and her people who ventured to the failed colony of Catamora, which lies within your zone of controll. We would also kindly invite the Thriumvirate of the Denur, who were also exiled from their homeland. As a fellow exiled people we understand your struggle, and our Freestate lies in the shadow of your once great mountain, for which we offer our aid and assistance. Lastly, but not least we would welcome the Kingdom of Luminion and their neighbours Mitrona for celebrations as they more than anyone has aided and trusted the people of the Hinterlands.

We invite all of the abovementioned to participate in festivities at the beginning of Highbloom (November 14th 21:00 CET+1/ UTC-8)
Silas Moetiour- Van Leuveren, Stadtholder of the Hooghlandsche Vrystaet, Lord of the Hinterlands and Prince of Catamora.
Johan Scakartvan Leuveren, Regent of the Hooghlandsche Vrystaet

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*Walks after a lost invitation letter and picks it up and reads it quickly* "An invitation. Interesting..." *Reads the letter even further and is shocked when she sees the name Silas Moetiour-van Leuveren* "So they were right So Silas survived all the terrible things.. I need to get there as fast as possible to see him.. He needs to know I'm still alive... I hope that Silas still recognizes me at some point."
Whilst traveling through Prezza L'Aquila he would stumble upon the message nailed to the noticeboard. "It seems the van Leuveren's are trying to play the game of politics again" He would laugh "Our families used to be on very good terms, a visit might be in order" He would slither into the alleyways of Prezza....
The masked man, Cedric himself, nodding in thanks at the serf delivering the letter at his desk in the Golden Hoove Bank of Norbüren. He had traveled there to settle some things after a few peasants refused to pay their taxes. He waved the serf away, who made a bow and closed the door behind him. He had too many duties, even with his... condition... his state... he had to endure much. Although, the prosthetic hand did work out a lot already. Same as the copper facemask hiding his now scarred face and empty left-eyesocket.

But now, his mind was on the words he read with his only remaining eye. He let out a sigh, letting his eye lie low before he continued to read.
"Somehow, Silas has returned." He mumbled to himself, not believing it at first. Though, his eyebrow cocked up at the invitation. Including the Tzyrnowski name. He remembered his squire, who seemed to have failed him and abandoned his duty and post, lost for a year now. He remembered serving the Withmonds, fighting the Van Leuveren nobles when he was younger. But he shook his head. "I have to inform the Emperor-" he cut himself short, looking at the crest. There were opportunities, but too many unknown outcomes..
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The sound of swift steps came to a halt as the man noticed the banner on the new notice board paper. His eyes wandered through the lines, only stopping for a moment as he saw the mentioned names but quickly he continued on. "Well, I think now I don't need to investigate anymore.... I can still at least ask him..." He was looking around the dry city streets for a moment before he wrote the invitation down in a little book. It seemed like another folded piece of paper was almost falling out of the pocket before he stored everything safely again. "Mother is gonna be surprised when I tell her about this..." His feet turned on the spot before once again his steps got faster and louder, running through the streets of Al-Khadir.
An ectomorph silhouette slid past the Notice Board as a hand quickly snatched the missive...Steps echoed through the alley as Arndil approached his home door and unlocked it stepping into the house, he slowly made his way up the stairs before reaching his study table. He placed the paper in front of him and began to analyze it. He read it once, then again, then again and again till he couldn't anymore. His emotions seemed to be all over the place before he finally cleared his mind. "So Silas wants to restore the Hinterlands, My boy. He's finally making a stand." He folded the Paper neatly and kept it in a drawer. "Highbloom." He mentally noted. A day certainly not to miss.
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Would see the message on the notice board , he would gaze at it for a second "a new Van Leuveren on a throne" He would smile " Interesting..... interesting indeed , i might just attend this.