Event Announcement Reclaiming the Highlands! Oust the Savage Trolls/ PVE Event


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden

[!] The Stadtholder's Office Invokes Article 4.3 of the Articles of Constitution in order protect the republic from any threats, outside or inside the Republic. The message was spread to notice boards around Eden, calling on warriors and adventurers to aid in ridding [!] the troll investation [!]


The Trolls Surrounding the settlement of New-Wakkerdam have plagued the Republic for far too long. In the past they have seen fit to attack citizens, and foreigners alike. To rid the tribe of trolls that has taken refuge in the abandoned watchtower to the west of New-Wakkerdam. New-Wakkerdam is but a stepping stone for the Republic's future settling of the Highlands. Many Highlanders walk around Eden, without a home, their former territory abandoned after the second Hadrian Civil War and infested with Trolls. We wish to resettle these ancestral lands and free them of the savage troll tribes that attack anyone without a warning. The Stadtholder Calls the Republic to raise arms against this threat and looks kindly on those who wish to participate in eliminating the trolls from other nations.

We wish to eliminate the trolls to reclaim the old Highlands. In earlier times the Highland region was dominated by Highlanders and their Nordland language and culture while the surrounding plains were inhabited by the Attians and to the south the Hinterlanders. To those who wish to partake in this effort to rid these lands of the Trolls the Republic in her gratitude would offer land to settle in and reinstate the ancient Highlands. The Hinterlanders and Highlanders are much alike in their hardiness and perseverance and together we may overcome. Should you wish to partake in this war against the trolls enlist at our military office:

[OOC: The Discord Event:]

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Silas Moetiour- Van Leuveren

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"Dain would read the notice board At Fort Vandicto"

Hm it seems our time is here vivan "he would look at vivan with a grin on his face" time to showcase a bit of our prowess "he would raise his chin and would grab the pommel of BLIND JUSTICE" lets gather some men for this