Player Announcement Regarding the request for an audience with the Sultana | From the Empire of Anjyarr


Anjyarr's Overlord

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A letter with Anjyarr's golden eagle would be conveyed to the Enlightened Kingdom Of Luminion.




To the diplomats representing the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion,

Miriaire Aey’flir
Kharis Fitzalan

It's excellent to hear from you.

This dreadful situation has already been brought to my attention, and I must acknowledge that this matter is of utter importance and needs to be handled immediately. We, the Azari'cill, have also agreed that this newly discovered evil entity poses a threat to our peaceful home, Eden.

As a result, we will no longer tolerate this demon lurking in these lands.
The peace we have built up for centuries is threatened by a newly discovered malevolent creature that is disregarding our home. And I, Zoe I’tholl Nobara accept this request for a meeting regarding this disastrous matter.

Thus, we invite you on the 20th Redfall to come by the Al-Jabrid palace, where we shall welcome you in good faith.

Until then, may your kingdom find the light.



Zoe I’tholl Nobara
Lapis cupiditatem


11th of december, 8PM CET