Player Announcement Saying Farewell


[!] A letter written for the Empress was delivered in Catamora [!]
The Letter is bound to a owl and has the family Sigil on it


I found after returning to Catamora a letter from my previous Caravan which is still looking for me. After a bit of thinking i decided to leave the Empire and go back to my hometown to help people find their final destination. So i bid farewell to all i met. Until we see again.

*Isabella would hear the news while walking through Catamora with her baby in her arms, enjoying some fresh air and she responds* "Ah, good to hear he got back. Where did he even go?" *She asked some citizens having a conversation near the tavern. They answered her he escaped out of some prison and returned to his home. Isabella would smile a bit concerned at hearing the news* "Wonderful, may he find his destination. I hope he knows he'll always be welcome in our city" *She would say, smiling at baby Silas and continuing her walk*