[!] The following notice was spread throughout the lengths of Eden, with a personal copy sent to the Adelsburg Palace [!]
Standing by Our Own
It brings no great joy to inform the people of the Dominion and Eden at large that the incoming Luminion-Hadrian Tournament is hereby cancelled until further notice. Following my leave of the recent auction day held in the Empire's capital, I was informed of the arrest of one of our citizens, Mihail Brukov. I had first thought this situation was over after one of the Hadrian's own citizens, Frida Akios, assaulted Mihail in our capital city after an argument they had in the Empire, soon followed by a strong-arming display of three Hadrian ritters and nobles coming to see her release. In my mercy, and holding a desire to see the two lands keep peace, I saw to Frida's release with a mere 300 Andros fine and a public apology made by Joseph Vianden - an apology that has still yet to be released. THIS DAY
Standing by Our Own
With news brought to me of Mihail's recent arrest, I had only to think that he had commited some crime in their lands. Low, I am told he and my Lla'vitlir were made to pay a fine of 500 Andros for the past argument between him and others which led to the assault by Frida. This action and amount were deemed fitting by Prinz Wilhelm of Hadriana, put in his own words for "best interests." Yet soon after the amount was paid, Mihail was arrested and he now sits in a Hadrian cell, far from his home and loved ones, placed there for a crime he did not commit by people who look down upon him. I am left with disdain for this situation and feel only that the presumably strong relationship that the Dominion and the Empire were working to build has since fell apart. It brings forward questions, to who truly rules Hadriana - the Prinz and his underlings, Damien, Frida, and Joseph (who pleaded for the release of Frida when she assaulted Mihail in my capital) or the named and recognized Kaiser? It is with this news that I must cancel what was supposed to be a soon-arriving tournament, demanding the immediate release of Mihail followed by a public statement from the Crown apologizing for the actions taken against Mihail and clearing him of charges, a separate and public apology from Prinz Wilhelm, and the return of 200 Andros to be paid to Mihail Brukov for any damages, emotional or physical, to him or his effects, that was caused by this event.
Let it be known to all in the Dominion that the la'Cilmeri stands by and with you against corruption and abuse, and we on the Corithiel Council work for your betterment and protection. To those seeking escape, we invite you to make a home here and join us in fulfilling the Corithiel Dream.
Varyian Theris
Ia'Cilmeri of the Dominion of Corithiel,
Therri'cill of the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion,
Guardian of Purity,
Warden of Corithiel,
Theri of the Glade of the Dragons
Varyian Theris
Ia'Cilmeri of the Dominion of Corithiel,
Therri'cill of the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion,
Guardian of Purity,
Warden of Corithiel,
Theri of the Glade of the Dragons
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