Player Announcement Summoning the Herzog of Hertzland - Kaisers Demand.


ErzTreasurer of Hadriana, Fat man and Builder
Staff member
[!] A rider on horseback would make it's way towards the Norbüren keep.
Urgently he knocked on the door, passing a rolled up piece of parchment, which was to be given to Herzog Tzyrnowski at once.


Markettag 30, Neuanfang, 1539

To the Herzog of Hertzland, Janczyk Mariusz Tzyrnowski.


Grütte, Herr Herzog.

By order of der Kaiser of der Hadrianischer Reich, ich summon du to der Reichshaubtstad, und the Imperial Palace at once.

Du are to explain duself, after the diet came to know of an unapproved venture south, towards the ruins of Al-Amora as it's called these days. Not only does this venture conflict with the nations diplomacy, it also undermines the diet and the reason it was created. Therefore this unlawful behaviour is to be explained to the Kaiser in private, after which du are expected to provide an explaination of du's deeds und train of thought.

Please make du's way to the Reichshaubtstad the moment du recieve this letter, as du are expected as soon as possible.

Möchte Alder mit dir sein.


Erzsteward of das Hadrianischer Reich

Bürgermeister of der Reichshaubtstad Adelsburg
Eigentümer of der Bergwald-Holstein Firma

Mit official signature und seal of der Hadrianischer Kaiser


Kaiser of der Hadrianischer Reich

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