Player Event The Adelsburg College: Prospecting and you.


The mine of Norburen grows loud with the sounds of picks and the roaring of furnaces, lit by torches, lanterns and the sparks of steel on stone!
Now is the time for the Imperium's industry to become the powerhouse it truly is. With education, innovation will follow.

For this reason, the Supreme Chancellor has seen fit for Klaus Erzjaeger, head forgemaster of Norburen, and former prospector, to teach the next generation of the Imperium's industrialists, miners and prospectors.

It all kicks off with;

05/17/23 06:00 PM EST

Prospecting 101: Every River is a gold mine!
Come learn about the basics of prospecting, and how collection of minerals starts

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Can do one on one lessons to suit other times if need be! Further teaching can be requested also!​
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