Nation Announcement The Capture of Wendelin De Augassi


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] A proclamation from the Staten Generaal would be send across all nations of Eden directed at Veronia [!]

This letter is directed directly at Count Vivan de Augassi, on Thunderday 04, Firstseed, 1523 in retaliation for the sudden and unbased declaration of war by the Kingdom of Veronia on the United Provinces of the Hinterlands, we have captured Countess Wendelin de Augassi on neutral grounds. Whilest attempting to tresspass the lands controlled by the United Provinces near the eastern part of the country. We would not have committed such a sudden strike if not only you had declared war on our sovereign nation without proper cause nor evidence. An official apology to the Tieflings is required as we had no malicious intend upon entering your wedding. It was however clear to us that the treacherous acts committed by the Kingdom of Veronia warranted a reply. The United Provinces wants to reach out an olive branche to the Kingdom of Veronia and offers to return Wendelin de Augassi. Before the transfer of the Countess the military controll of of Ceril's Keep must be transferred to a joint military force for a period of three seasons (32 days +/- a month) afterwards it will be returned to Veronia and thusly our nations can yet again adhere to the peace decided in the previous pact signed a mere month ago. The Countess is held at an undiclosed location, so this issue will not simply be solved with blood as it will be returnd in kind, moreso with diplomacy. Hence we invite the Count of Vivan de Augassi to discuss a diffuse of the situation in a week on neutral ground, with no military attachees, only a personal assistant to discuss the siuation in Mapledale under the watchful eye of the Hobbits.
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