The Crimes of Eol

*A note would be pinned on every notice board in Anjyarr*

I am not one of words. I am merely a Jundi formerly serving under those who the insurrection have openly vilified. do not let my lack of flavor dampen the impact of my words. The man known as Eol is a tyrant and a criminal plain and simple. this past week I have watched him commit heinous acts unbefitting of someone who should have any sort of power. This man with no reason broke into someone's home and without any further investigation and without heading the screams of fear from the ones he assaulted in their own home arrested them with brutal force. I come forward now as I believe these crimes need be paid for as there is no one now to do it but the people of Anjyarr. Eol is worse than those of the Jundi prior he is arrogant, self centered, and hotheaded. These traits are are ill fit of someone to lead the people or remain free on the streets. I a former Jundi and servant of the people humbly ask you all to rise against this monster and ensure he ends up punished for his crimes against the people.

The revolution may not survive if the corrupt are allowed to stay in power. Those who abuse their own may fall upon the same fate.