Nation Announcement The gears start to turn


To the Residents of Dar-Ach Denur

A small dark-haired denur with a charcoal-stained face steps onto a footstool in the town centre and shouts into the crowd.

Listen up, folks of Dar-Ach Denur, 'cause I've got somethin' right important to share with ya! In the next few months, we might be in for a bit of a rumble, if ye catch me drift. Why, ye ask? Well, it's all 'cause of this newfangled contraption from the Guild of Cogs. They're fixin' to test it out down south of our mighty town.

Now, I don't mean to alarm ye, but these tests might bring about a bit of a ruckus. We're talkin' tremors and bangs that could wake up old Granny Smidur's cat! So, best be prepared for some commotion in the days ahead, just so ya know.

No need to fret, though, mates. We'll stick together through thick and thin, won't we? Just keep yer spirits up and yer ears peeled for any updates. Together, we'll weather this storm, easy as pie.

To the High Council of Thyst

[!] A lightly coal-stained letter addressed to the High Council of Thyst reaches the Great Library south of Dar-Ach Denur. [!]
Esteemed High Council of Thyst,

I write to inform you of a matter that may require your attention. In the coming months, there may be significant disturbances in the region of Dar-Ach Denur.
The reason for this is a new project of the Guild of Cogs, which is to be tested south of Dar-Ach Denur.

These tests could result in tremors and loud noises that may affect not only the residents of Dar-Ach Denur but also the surrounding areas.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope to finish our work as soon as possible.​

Baldwin Rustcracker
Engineer of the Guild of Cogs​