The Giant's Duel

The Giant's Duel

A poem dedicated to a warrior of great resolve.
A skilled wielder of both sword and 'stache.
Tom "The Giant."
Who, even through defeat, can inspire all of Eden with both the shine of his spirit and his head.


Gather 'round, dear audience, lend me your ear,

For a tale of valor, a duel held so near,

Where Tom the Giant, with his head all a-gleaming,

Faced Huron the elf, in a battle of dreaming.

Oh, Tom, with head so bald and bare,

And mustache, a crown to his lips, a mark of flair,

He stepped into the fray with courage untold,

A warrior mighty, so brave and bold.

But alas, the winds of fate did blow,

As fortune's hand dealt a painful throw,

Huron's blade found its mark, true and keen,

And Tom fell, the duel's final scene.

His bald head, once proud, now kissed by defeat,

His mustache, once bold, now touched by retreat,

But let it be known, in this moment of woe,

Tom's spirit perseveres, forever aglow.

For it's not in the victory, but in the fight,

That true greatness shines, like a beacon of light,

And though Tom may have lost the duel that day,

His spirit remains steadfast, forever to stay.
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