The Heretic, bloodless and foolish.


Sleep Paralysis Demon
Staff member
[ ! ]
Trigger warning

[ This just me being silly and wanting to write something :3 ]

"You truly are foolish.."
"Fine by me! I'll worry about eternity when it decides to show up."


The rabbit’s legs throbbed with pain, shallow and labored breaths– It barely managed to escape the hound’s narrow maw.. Yet the chase wasn’t over, the hound’s relentless baying echoed through the forest. It drove the poor thing further into despairBlood constantly seeping from its wounds, painting a macabre trail of desperation behind the poor thing.

“MOVE IT TO THE THRONE ROOM!” A twisted shout broke the illusion– The nightmare.

Each faltering step, filled by a primal fear that gnawed at its resolve. Amidst all the terror, a single thought persisted: to live, to fight against the encroaching darkness. Though hope seemed distant, the rabbit clung to it, it wished to, it had to– It prayed to every god and superior being out there, another chance, one last chance was all it wanted.

“..So has it been for a thousand years, and so shall it be for the end of Time. By steeled blade, iron resolve and alchemical fire. The corrupt, the mutant, and the heretic that you are, will be cleansed of the sin of your existence.” A commanding female voice, twisted with dominance, spoke, sealing his fate. The loud clank of chains filled the air– Despite the fear, he knew he had to stand and fight, they were going to make him fight.

A flicker of determination was ignited within the rabbit's soul. It refused to let fear dictate its fate. It pressed on, driven by a fierce longing for another chance at life. Prayers whispered on trembling lips, beseeching any higher power to grant it one more opportunity to make things right.– He wouldn’t waste that chance, right?.. For in the heart of this beleaguered creature, there burned a desire— To seize that elusive chance, to rewrite its fate, and to embrace the gift of life with every fiber of its being.

『 The blade hovers, poised to sever the joint in a swift and merciless execution, leaving naught but unfettered bloodshed in its wake. The air crackles with a palpable tension, as the threat of violence hangs heavy– FEAR– A tear in the fabric of reality opens before everyone in the room, revealing a swirling void that defies comprehension. 』

Yet, with every ounce of strength left, the rabbit pushed forward, driven by an unyielding will to live. For in the heart of this courageous creature, there burned a fervent desire—to defy the odds, to outrun fate itself, and to embrace the promise of another chance at life. And so, with the echoes of the hound's pursuit hot on its heels, the rabbit raced on.

The visage of composed serenity gives way to a seething storm of animosity. An anguished cry escaped the hunter, hurling the weapon once more, its trajectory akin to a coiled viper poised to strike– Blood spurts from the gaping wound, cascading down into a macabre dance of crimson– Dying. 』

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, the rabbit's strength waned. Despite its fervent wishes to keep running, to keep living, the rabbit's body betrayed it. Limbs heavy and trembling, it stumbled and faltered, the ground rising up to meet it with unforgiving force– Collapsing.

"Alive!– I'm alive! I’M ALIVE!" The tiefling's laughter echoed through the ruins, a stark contrast to the desolation surrounding him. He reached for his face with both hands, only to falter midway– Shock and disgust battled across his features, mirroring the turmoil within– Stitches ran throught his whole body. 』


With the last vestiges of consciousness slipping away, the rabbit lay panting in the gathering dusk, the sounds of the forest fading into a distant murmur. In that moment of profound weakness, all it could do was cling to the fragile thread of life, a silent plea echoing into the fading lightDying, a sweet release.

"Rest now, for the journey is done– The Graveyard welcomes you, dead man."

Ignorance truly is bliss.
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