The Librarian's Records: The Holdout of Avelheim, Marketday 6, 1532


All information found here is ooc.
The Holdout of Avelheim, Marketday 6, 1532

The Guild: Five
The Librarian
Mordrael Morosov

The Milita of Avelheim: Eleven
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Swordsman
Unknown Crossbowman
Unknown Archer

The Guild: None

The Milita of Avelheim: Three


Godwyn, Myself, and the rest of our company sallied out to confront a contracted target, with the additional aid of one other individual. Arrival in Avelheim saw us swiftly identify our contracted target, of which we attempted to surrond and immediate execute. However, our arrival triggered the response of the Avelheim Milita, and we found ourselves outnumbered two to one against a well armed group of militamen and women.

We were not detered, and commited a fighting retreat to gain a better position against superior odds. I preformed ranged harrasment while the rest of my comrades fell out in good order. Members of their milita pressed forward, and I drew back to the saftey of my number, of which we punished those whom fell upon us with death. Two of their braver souls that confronted us fell to our blades, and while we continued our retreat, a third was slain as a mob of their kind attempted to cut off and surrond Godwyn.

We withdrew, regrouped, and thusly rentered the grounds with the intent to finish the job. However, the milita had barricaded themselves in the longhouse, and refused both calls to negotiate, as well as calls to fight us in a pitched battle. Lacking the tools to breach their compound, it ended in a stalemate, though one I can proudly say favored us.

The Contract is still open, and we are bound to execute it.

Aethelfrith would turn to Godwyn as he begins to leave Avelheim. "You were right about one thing, Godwyn. The negotiations were short."

Happens, replied the sugarloaf. He grumbled something else, perhaps numbers or an indiscernible Elvish phrase, before picking up a purse from a slain man lying by the northern gate and tossing it to Isleifur. A second purse was found, subject to being hurled after Mordrael.