The More The Merrier - Tavern Brawl




One rainy evening, a young messenger from Norbüren had entered the city of Adelsburgh. He was not more than eighteen years of age, yet his attitude corresponded to one of in his thirties. The boy held a parchment in his hands, which contained the message he was supposed to deliver. Even when the only people hearing were some drunkards who just exited the local tavern, the messenger did his duty, and started shouting next to the Alder’s temple:
“Hear ye, hear ye, noble folk and wandering souls! Prepare thyself for an evening steeped in mirth and merriment at the venerable Norbüren Tavern! Join us for a celebration of camaraderie, libations, and the-

“Oh piss off”
The messenger was interrupted by a group of drunkards, who strengthened their message by throwing a rock towards the boy. The messenger dropped the scroll he was holding and bolted on the run. The drunkards laughed at their accomplishments, making their way to see what the scroll was the lad was holding.


The drunkards took their time, trying to make sense of words they could barely read sober. Once the text opened to them, their fun night turned even brighter. “A ta-weern brawl thournamen? Wh-ere do we sign up?” The drunkards went on their merry way, and the day after the announcements of an event focusing on tavern fighting started spreading like disease. Notes mentioning the event could be found in cities across Hadriana.

[OOC] The event will be held this Saturday, February 10th. Time will be decided and announced later on. Sign-ups made with replies to this post will not count, as you need to announce it at Norbüren

Sign-Up Format
Character Name:

Anne-Marie de Ruiter, Countess of Königstein would let her eyes hover over the words on the short missive, not truly knowing what to think of it...
"A tavern brawl? Tournament?" she muttered some words outloud "How.... Very interesting..." Her gaze moved to the window, where she could watch the waves of the ocean go back and forth "Fuck it... Why not" she then muttered

Character Name: Anne-Marie de Ruiter
IGN: lindalicious_
Race: Hinterlander Human
Age: 22