Event Announcement The Northern Seafaring Guild


A whaling ship known as the ‘Flying Flusslander’ was spotted slowly setting sail for the Lünberg docks. It’s crew would see a old whale carcass rotting on the beach, it reminds them of their last few failed hunts. Upon being docked the crew would see the Herzog of Flussland boarding the ship heading for the captains cabin.

[!] This letter containing the Flussland crest would be hung on the noticeboards of all towns and cities within the Hadrian Empire. Several copies would also be hung within several large cities of other nations [!]



Thunderday 12, Goldscorch 1530

Whaling is a large part of Flussland’s economy. The whale’s fat and meat sold for profit, it’s bones used to make fertilizer to enable the Herzland farmers. It provides those living in the ‘North’ a fair life, and allows the Herzog of Flussland to improve the province’s conditions.

However recently the whale hunts have been unsuccessful. It is believed the whale herd has left for ‘safer’ waters where they cannot be hunted, beyond the Glass sea where sailors tell stories of monsters beneath the icy waves. The previous captain and his crew have refused to hunt there in fear for their lives, giving the Herzog no other options then summoning daring adventures for the hunt. Ye be warned for many a sailor has lost their lives hunting these creatures!

Hereby I officially wish to announce the creation of the “Northern Seafarers Guild’. It being created to attract adventurers and settlers to Lünberg, providing all with a stable job.
The guild will focus on primarily on hunting, fishing, trading and exploring. Those believing themselves born with fishlegs, I invite you to attend the upcoming whale-hunt and join the guild.

As a reward the killing blow will earn you a pouch of one-hundred Andros, and five kilos of whale meat. And if you have shown enough aptitude for seafaring you might be appointed the Captain of the ‘Flying Flusslander’

Avast yeself, bring me the catch!



Date & Time: Friday the 13th, CET 21:00
A Discord event in the 'Hadrian Empire' will be made, for those thinking of attend please ping it as 'Interested'



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