Faction Announcement The Preservation of Peace


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[!] The following notice was spread throughout the lengths of Eden, with a personal copy sent to the Adelsburg Palace and Ceril's Keep [!]


The Preservation of Peace

An Address to the Empire
Following recent events regarding the extortion, detainment, and release of Mihail Brukov, the Corithiel Council has joined to question the Dominion's next steps. As it remains, we are happy to welcome Mihail Brukov back within our confines, and urge him to steer away from the Empire lest he fall into more trouble. Still, the knowledge of the Empire keeping the dangerous weapon found on Mihail's person is of great concern to us, and we believe it would best be kept within our own domain. Still, given recent conflicts we trust such would not be freely handed over, and as much we do not expect it of the imperials to oblige us in as much as that. Instead, we offer to destroy the weapon- our Office of the Sage representative, Yelran Roseshade, now contacting others to come together to see the weapon destroyed following a ritual. We offer this service to the Empire, allowing them to send representatives with the weapon to oversee its destruction should they so choose.

Putting the weapon's fate aside, the wounds remain from the recent actions taken on part of the Hadrians. We attempted to remain cordial in our release of Frida Akios, and did not ask for much in return, those terms still not being fully met. In our own case, upon Mihail's capture, comments from Frida Akios, Jopseh Vianden, and others of named positions slandered the Dominion, questioning our authority or position on the world stage. This we cannot easily forgive. It is the Corithiel Council's role to look out for our people, work for their benefit, and secure their protection. In this, we will not interact with those who will not afford us the courtesies we have given them. It is with this notice that we announce a severance of ties with the Empire, beginning with the banishment of Frida Akios, Joseph Vianden, and Damien von Aval. Should any of the named individuals step foot into any of the Dominion's territories for any reason, they will be apprehended and punished accordingly. Further, the Council has decided to remove itself from what was to be the Hadrian-Corithiel tournament, and for our present moment, do not see ourselves moving forward with such.

An Address to the Dominion

We have before faced challenges, and this will be no differnet. With this notice, the Dominion encourages its citizens to be on guard and to choose who you interact with and where. In light of the removal of strong bonds with the Empire, the Corithiel Council now pledges to work towards providing new opportunities for work and entertainment within our own lands and that of our allies outside the Dominion. Plans have been laid to begin opening up college classes, the standard hiring of a tavernkeep with events to follow, the emergence of new shops and governmental buildings, the setting out of hunts, the exploration of ruins, the continuance of tournaments, and much more. We invite those who wish to participate or put on their own events to come forward and make their desire known for the Dominion to assist them in what ways they need. In this hope to thrive together, unified by an understanding of our Corithiel Dream which will carry us forward into the future.

We would also like to commend those who have worked diligently to bring us to our present moment. The Dominion highlights the bravery and steadfastness of Lla'vitlir Ethirion in his role in the Office of the Sentinel, who has seen to the beginnings of the revival of our security and personally assited in seeing Mihail returned to us. Furthermore, the Dominion recognizes the work of Klepsydra Theris, who will henceforth be named to the Office of the Envoy. Klepsydra has worked to survey our lands and holdings, envigorate the citizenry and offer sound advice. We believe her perfect for the position and welcome her to the Corithiel Council. We additionally name Mihail Brukov to the Office of Civility, where he will preside over housing and tax collection in the Dominion. As one who has taken to making a new home with us, facing recent peril and persecution, we see him fit with a just character who is prepared to make a home for others as they join our cause.

An Address to Eden

To those outside of the Dominion and Empire's territories, we thank you for your patience and prudence as we have navigated this situation. Those who offered kind words and support, we greatly thank you and hope to renew and strengthen our bonds in due time. We cordially invite you to join us in our events and welcome you at our table. Together, I believe, we will work to build a stronger, safer, more prosperous Eden that will put behind its past troubles and move into a more welcoming future. The Dominion of Corithiel will always stand behind its citizens and work to preserve them, offering protection and service, which we swear to do the same for your own peoples. We are committed to the preservation of peace and believe these actions to be best motviated in securing the safety of our citizens, while ensuring bad actors are kept at bay. We are excited for what the future brings, and hope to put this present situation behind us so we might all draw closer to the new age ahead of us.

Varyian Theris
la'Cilmeri of the Dominion of Corithiel,
Therri'cill of the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion,
Guardian of Purity,
Warden of Corithiel,
Theri of the Glade of the Dragons