The religion of Feaeism


Arch-Geomancer, Tericyées of Sunscape
Staff member


Feaeism is a very rare sub-belief, dating back to the first ever elves that settled in and around Myln Arbor. By the growing rival religion, the Pantheon of the Phoenix, Feaeism saw a great decrease in followers over the past centuries. Now, only very few families inside Myln Arbor believe in Feaeism, and it has fused with the Pantheon of the Phoenix as some kind of a branch.


In feaeism the followers believe in spirits. The purest and oldest form saw servants of this religion honor three types of spirits, being White spirits, Black Spirits and Blue Spirits. They believed the world was created by the Whites, and protected by the Blues. In ancient times the White Spirits were the creators of the world and everything beautiful. They did this by singing, hence why song is very important in feaeism. White spirits are now believed to be the messengers of the Family of Gods, as a type of angelic beings. Blue Spirits were believed to protect the woods, lakes, seas and skies. They were often called 'River spirits' or 'Tree spirits' depending on what they protect. This idea has stayed true to this day. The followers of feaeism believe that every one of them has a spirit guardian, which is a blue spirit that guards over them and guides them to their destiny. These spirits will eventually be bound to their own soul by a family elder in a ritual. The followers of feaeism believe in great balance, that darkness came just because there was light. And so because there were the White Spirits, the Black Spirits came into existance. They sang to bring disease and fear. Now they are believed to be cursed souls of death and the void beyond our realm.


The White Spirits were believed to have created the world long ago with a great song, but the families that now believe in feaeism have abandoned this idea. But in old times this was believed. This resulted in many songs written by these old families. Some wrote smiliar to the ones the White Spirits sang, being beautiful. Others about curses and despair, coming close to the will of the Black Spirits. Those with a beautiful voice are often praised within the few families that stay following feaeism, and they would attempt to sing the ancient songs retrieved from old caverns and ancient ruins.


Ceremonies differ very greatly from family to family. Most include a Night of Song, in which those with the most beautiful voice sing ancient songs written by the elves that have followed feaeism long ago. These are always the beautiful ones, and believed to be a song for the Gods. All songs of fear written by dark followers of the Black Spirits have been forbidden by the families, and those that break this rule will be banished, as these words, spoken or sang, bring nothing but curse. Another important ceremony is when a family elder judges a youngling and binds their soul to a spirit guardian, a blue spirit who will guide them and watch over them. They also attend all the ceremonies of the Pantheon of the Phoenix, like Father's day or Mother's day.
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