Nation Announcement Thi Arboar's Quota


*The following would be hung across Mitrona's Territories*

Saintsday 8, Newdawn, 1550
Eden’s Shine

It is our first responsibility as the Azari’Cerr to uphold the ecosystem and health of Myln’arbor. Now with the recent growth of our population and so too the wisdom of the spirits, it has become clear we must be vigilant about our hunting habits. With that in mind citizens of Myln’arbor will now follow a strictly regulated hunting quota which will ensure the forest's balanced ecosystem.

As of 8/1/1550, the wolf population is underprotection for the next three years. Any attempts to hunt the wolves of Myln’arbor within this timeframe will be met with harsh punishment.

As of 8/1/1550, the bear population is underprotection for the next two years. Any attempts to hunt the bears of Myln’arbor within this timeframe will be met with harsh punishment.

Hunts within Myln’arbor are now restricted to the Tericyees of Mitrona and Khari’cerr’s jurisdiction. No hunts of any form may proceed without first gaining approval from the relevant authorities. Attempts to circumvent these restrictions will be met with major fines, and possible mutilation depending on severity. Hunts fall outside the bounds of self defense, but attempts to instigate an attack in order to poach will see heightened punishments.

Hunting restrictions are as follows:

- No more than 3 deer hunts in a year, with only 4 deer per hunt.
(Children accompanied by mothers are protected)
- No more than 2 wolf hunts in a year, with only 3 wolves per hunt.
(Children accompanied by mothers are protected)
- No more than 1 bear hunt in a year, with only 1 bear per hunt.
(Children accompanied by mothers are protected)

Fishing restrictions are as follows:

- Any fish under 8 inches or over 22 must be returned to the water.
- Female crustaceans found with eggs are protected and must be notched for clear marking.
-Male crustaceans with backs wider than 5 inches must be returned to the water.

Following the trials of Myln’arbor for the young ‘Cerr’s proving, the forest is to be given 1 year's rest before any return to hunting. Trials in which Cerr are hunting as groups are limited to one trophy for the proving and no more.

Khari’cerr, N’vaestīl ‘Izara’ Vobisere
Tericyées of Mitrona, Apollon Lovell
Tericyées of Salus Lumin, Faiir Chamaire
Tericyées of Sunscape, Fenrin L. Lón’solyn